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Rob Manford is a coward


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1 minute ago, RendZone said:

He works for the owners. He has the players union ready to throw rocks at him if he takes any other action. I thought he did a good job staying out of our kitchen last season while upgrading the drug policy. 

And I know 29 owners who are absolutely pissed at him right now. Not to mention the vast majority of the players.

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He's that mom you see at Target with two children throwing a football back and forth knocking over every display stand, one fat kid ripping open bags of marshmallows and eating them, and one kid screaming because mom won't buy him the newest PS4 game. She's shrugging and saying "I don't even try to discipline them because they won't listen to me anyway."

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1 minute ago, Pancake Bear said:

Cheating to win a WS - Manfred says: “No punishment!”

Plunking batters who cheated to win a WS - Manfred says: “Extra punishment!”

Either the world is upside down or Manfred is.

I think he’s doing his best to prevent unnecessary violence in future MLB games. So they pluck Altuve and Bregman only to have Verlander retaliate and fire 100 mph fastballs at Trout or Ohtani’s head. I don’t like it and it needs to be stopped before someone ends up with brain damage. 

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5 minutes ago, RendZone said:

I think he’s doing his best to prevent unnecessary violence in future MLB games. So they pluck Altuve and Bregman only to have Verlander retaliate and fire 100 mph fastballs at Trout or Ohtani’s head. I don’t like it and it needs to be stopped before someone ends up with brain damage. 

Aybar doesn't play anymore.

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6 minutes ago, tdawg87 said:

Aybar doesn't play anymore.

You know, my father said he saw him years later playing under a made-up name in some 10th-rate league in Carolina. Said he'd put on 50 pounds and the spring in his step was gone, but he was still a retard. Dad used to say nobody was retarded like Aybar. 

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He’s just insanely tone deaf.  I don’t really have a good opinion on what the punishment should have been.  I’m fine with what they got because I honestly don’t really care.  Maybe it was enough,  maybe it wasn’t. I don’t really know.  If you told me tomorrow that MLB was rescinding their championship.  Fine, I’d be alright with it as well.

but the way they’ve handled this, and Manfred specifically is so ridiculous.  Just don’t say anything else idiot.  Lay concrete publicly known punishments out right now for anything deemed retaliation and that’s it.

Edited by UndertheHalo
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15 minutes ago, SoPas Angel said:

You know, my father said he saw him years later playing under a made-up name in some 10th-rate league in Carolina. Said he'd put on 50 pounds and the spring in his step was gone, but he was still a retard. Dad used to say nobody was retarded like Aybar. 

Let's see if you can hit my curveball!

*Aybar swings and misses at the pitch, which hit him directly in the nuts*

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