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I guess this is another plans threat. I posted some of my stupid ideas on the other threat, but I felt this deserved a seperate look to see if I’m just crazy or if it’s possible I’m not crazy…Just a little bias. But this is a serious threat. So lets get into it


1st. Donaldson over Rendon

  I rather us go after Donaldson than rendon, yes Donaldson is older, but I don’t think he’s decling. He just put a 5 war season last year, and his past 7 years he has had an War over 5 on all of them except one, where he was injured. He’s only been Hurt for one season, and that was in Toronto playing in the turf. He’ll be cheaper and contract will run out in 3 or 4 years, while Rendon has age, he’s also going to get a bigger contract and as a Ws.

Donaldson on a 3yrs/60 mil or a 4year/ 70 mil


2nd. Can be acquire Darvish and about 65 mil in salaries, plus either Contreras or Happ

   I think we could easy acquire Darvish and 65 mil + Happ, if the Cubs are in the mood to trade Darvish. But if we add Contreras?   Surprising looking at Contreras he seems to be only a 2-2.7 war player. So what would be the cost. But I would rather have Ian…hmm tough choice.

 Angels: Darvish (65 mil over the next 4 years), Happ/Contreras

Cubs: have about 16 mil of Darvish salary for the next 4 years. And prospects, could range anywhere from the 4 up or 10- 15 range.

Darvish salary for the next 4 years:  18 18 15 14

It’ll be intersecting to see if the cubs will be willing to move Darvish with how he turned his season around and his contract isn’t bad.


3rd. what is the right Price?

  So, what is the right deal to acquire Price? Went on the red sox site and asked this question…….. Some still believe that if Price was on the market he’d get a 100 mil contract (ooh boy, this guy is in his ass), another said if a team can eat the entire contract than add Benintendi.  Some still think the Myer, Prospects for price and Benintendi could happen.  

4rd. Go after Ryu.           

5th get Taijuan Walker

6th take a shot at Wood

Personally I would go after Donaldson, look into Ryu, while scouting the market. Darvish I don’t if that trade is possible, but I’d consider the price trade if we can get Benintendi, while eating about 23-25 mil of price’s contract. Than I could consider trading Benintendi or marsh. Beninenti for Clevinger?


The sooner the Angels can sign some quality players the sooner these threads can stop popping up.

C'mon Eppler - for the Love of AW, get it done!

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