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The Official AngelsWin.com Suggestions box




If you have any suggestions for us on the website or forum in the way of a feature enhancement, or if there's a nuance you're seeing that we can try to eliminate, or you thought of a good contest to run or an AW event to plan, please let us know here! 


2 answers to this question

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Honestly, there are only two things I would change and this would just be putting these two things back to how they were.  I would like to see under NEXT UNREAD TOPIC the name of the next unread thread like it was.  Also since most of the traffic on AngelsWin is still the forums, it would be best if there was a quick way on the mobile version to get to the Forum menu, instead of having to hit multiple buttons to get there.  Those are the only things I have seen that would improve it.  I love the new forum.  

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5 hours ago, Stradling said:

Honestly, there are only two things I would change and this would just be putting these two things back to how they were.  I would like to see under NEXT UNREAD TOPIC the name of the next unread thread like it was.  Also since most of the traffic on AngelsWin is still the forums, it would be best if there was a quick way on the mobile version to get to the Forum menu, instead of having to hit multiple buttons to get there.  Those are the only things I have seen that would improve it.  I love the new forum.  

Hi @Stradling the best way to achieve this actually a couple of ways really. 

The "NEXT UNREAD TOPIC" option is no longer available since we have a "Fluid View" of the forums and an Activity Stream that you can setup. 

The activity streams under "Content I Follow" or using the "Fluid View" rather than the traditional view. 

Here's what I'm talking about. 

Setting up an activity stream will make sure you don't miss a thing and you can be specific as to what you see by creating a new steam as seen below.

Annotation 2019-11-03 155840.png

In the Content I Follow there is a "Forums" drop down choice as another option to choose which forum you want to visit. 

Annotation 2019-11-03 155741.png


When in a forum, click on the box to the very right which is the fluid view. This way you don't have to go in and out of forums, but see everything all in one view. 

You can select the boxes to the right as to what you want to see, just in case you don't want to see topics in some forums. 


The Content I follow will most certainly give you the best experience on the forum. 

Annotation 2019-11-03 155605.png

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