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Ken Rosenthal on the Angels

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4 minutes ago, angelsnationtalk said:

Does anyone have access to the article so they copy and paste it here?

Heard he wrote about Angels offseason thoughts. 

Really nothing substantial. Said what’s known on this board. The Angels are on the fringes of competing and are entering an interesting time where they can compete at a high level very soon while having the option to keep building, to trade, or to spend in FA.

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5 minutes ago, Inside Pitch said:

Basically he says the following.

They are almost 100% healthy. 
They arent likely to ADD at the break. 
Canning and Suarez looks legit and it bodes well for the long term.
Next years rotation likely features Ohtani, Skaggs, Heaney, Canning and Suarez with Cole looking like a great fit.   The most expensive pitcher in the group is Skaggs and he's cheap.
They are losing nearly 30 mil in salary on the terrible trio  
The only other contract they need to consider is Kole's 14 mil option -- they can platoon him or go with Adell.
The farm system is a lot better than it was
The swung and missed on FA pitchers last year -- but adding Cole would be a "perfect" start.

So,  either he's been reading AW.com or he's not blind and sees what most people are seeing.   

Shit is getting better.

I'm already feeling better about the rotation this year. Adding Ohtani and Cole to it, along with Canning and Suarez being better adjusted to the majors, sounds amazing.

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If they do hone in on Cole and keep Kole for 2020, what is the penalty for going over the luxury tax for one season only?  

Any lost int'l slot money or draft picks, or just pay the small luxury tax for one season? 

Although isn't Adell looking like he'll start 2020 with the Halos, and force Kole into a trade?   Unless they move Upton to 1B, if Albert retires? 

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1 hour ago, Inside Pitch said:

Basically he says the following.

They are almost 100% healthy. 
They arent likely to ADD at the break. 
Canning and Suarez look legit and it bodes well for the long term.
Next years rotation likely features Ohtani, Skaggs, Heaney, Canning and Suarez with Cole looking like a great potential fit.   The most expensive pitcher in the group is Skaggs and he's cheap.
They are losing nearly 30 mil in salary on the terrible trio  
The only other contract they need to consider is Kole's 14 mil option -- they can platoon him or go with Adell.
The farm system is a lot better than it was
The swung and missed on FA pitchers last year -- but adding Cole would be a "perfect" start.

So,  either he's been reading AW.com or he's not blind and sees what most people are seeing.   

Shit is getting better.

But brandon wood, and pujols

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26 minutes ago, Blarg said:

You guys do this every year. You fixate on a pitcher the Angels are not ever going to break the bank for. Cole is the new wet dream for you guys but, really, he is not going to sign with the Angels. 


You grumpy old man. I bet you said the same things before the Halos signed MVPujols to that 250 million dollar deal. Who's laughing now?!

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