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Check yourself, single white dudes

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Seriously, the reason I posted this is because it perfectly illustrates how Marxist assumption invades every day life and makes people retarded. Notice the preoccupation with power, equality, and oppression. These concepts started first with economics, but is now mostly the realm of gender and race. 

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Twitter. Anyways, it goes with a theme of mine.

I'm way to the left of you and I never see anything even close to this in my Twitter feed or on Facebook, or in any other lib paradise.

You kinda sound like Pete Townsend. Got caught with some sketchy stuff on his computer, but it was just there for "research."

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Sorry for the double post. I'll stop saying "anyways" if it bugs people. That's the way I talk. 




You should really go to the site "everyday feminism," where I got this from.  It has examples of everything I talk about. See if you can spot the themes (Hint: Power, power, power. Equality, equality, equality. oppression, oppression, oppression). 



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Sorry for the double post. I'll stop saying "anyways" if it bugs people. That's the way I talk.


You should really go to the site "everyday feminism," where I got this from. It has examples of everything I talk about. See if you can spot the themes (Hint: Power, power, power. Equality, equality, equality. oppression, oppression, oppression).


Again, another Juan-favorited website that no board lefties would ever have found on their own.

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I won't belabor the point, either.  I won't mention it anymore in threads. I think it's necessary to understand the motivation for ideas. Christian Democrats get their ideas from Catholic social justice. If you want to understand them, you go to the source. If you want to understand whoever, you go to the source of ideas.

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Juan, you are not to post entire articles, it refuses the author and source their revenue. Please only start your OP with a small quote of what you may think is a good conversation starter then provide a link so that the readers are redirected to the source and the Web hits are properly shared.

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Juan, you are not to post entire articles, it refuses the author and source their revenue. Please only start your OP with a small quote of what you may think is a good conversation starter then provide a link so that the readers are redirected to the source and the Web hits are properly shared.

No problem. I'll post the link only. 

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I won't belabor the point, either. I won't mention it anymore in threads. I think it's necessary to understand the motivation for ideas. Christian Democrats get their ideas from Catholic social justice. If you want to understand them, you go to the source. If you want to understand whoever, you go to the source of ideas.


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I laughed at Jay's post, it was funny. He got a like.


I mentioned Jay being Juan yesterday so no need to mention it today.


It's like Clark Kent and Superman. Juan is the guy who think he's smart and tries to make intelligent points, then he logs off and logs in to Jay's login where he calls people retards and directly makes fun of lefties. It's genius really.

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