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Best Crowds in Sports

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Kind of started this conversation in another thread when I was bitching about SoCal fans. What are the best atmospheres for each sport? And are there any SoCal teams that generate great crowds?

NFL: Kansas City & Seattle

NBA: Portland & OKC

College Football: Ducks (I'm a Beavers fan)

MLB: This one is tough. Right now I'd say Toronto and the NY Mets. The excitement is probably coming from 2 teams not being in the playoffs in a while. Royals were pretty crazy last year.

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The place was rocking, and the team fed off of the energy. I have always liked the Mets, going back to the days when I watched their AAA players play for the home side and we had guys like Seaver, Ryan, Koosman, Gentry, McGraw...Now I am watching some of the Vegas guys make an impact.

Edited by Vegas Halo Fan
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I'm guessing you're not a hockey fan since you didn't include the NHL, but the Los Angeles Kings generate great crowds! Great atmosphere!


Is it October yet?


Long time fan of the Crowns....but the Stapler only gets really loud during the playoffs.

Ottawa - on the other hand - is one noisy barn from October to April...no matter who they're playing.

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The fans at the Big A are kinda laid back. Many get there late and leave early. I see so many families show up with their kids to cheer for Mike Trout and the rally monkey but are completely oblivious about the other 24 players, the visiting team or the standings.

You forgot the constant banging of the thunder sticks...

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The best crowds in Major League Baseball are found in St. Louis.

Other strong ones include Pittsburgh, Chicago (Cubs), Washington, Atlanta, San Francisco, Boston, Baltimore, Seattle and KC.

The reason I didn't list the Angels and Dodgers is simply the laid back nature of the fans. The Yankees because their seats are too expensive for everyone and half the people that come are just on their phones and don't know anything about the team. Astros and Ranger fans are generally unintelligent and bandwagon-ers.

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The best crowds in Major League Baseball are found in St. Louis.

Other strong ones include Pittsburgh, Chicago (Cubs), Washington, Atlanta, San Francisco, Boston, Baltimore, Seattle and KC.

The reason I didn't list the Angels and Dodgers is simply the laid back nature of the fans. The Yankees because their seats are too expensive for everyone and half the people that come are just on their phones and don't know anything about the team. Astros and Ranger fans are generally unintelligent and bandwagon-ers.

Every fanbase comprises "bandwagoners." By the way, when the Rangers were in the playoffs, Globe Life Park was one of the liveliest venues I've ever seen. Those Napoli chants were deafening. 

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The crowd at Angel Stadium is much better during day games, particularly mid week day games. I suppose since the time is less convenient, disproportionately more passionate fans show up. You tend to hear a lot more people who understand baseball stats, more people who know the names of most or all of the Angels players on the 40 man roster, and perhaps most significantly more people who loudly complain and demand that players be released and that Scioscia, Butcher and others be fired. It's all very similar to posting on here.

Edited by ScottLux
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Hard to see how you left the Royals off this list.   They've been white hot since mid-season last year.   Perhaps the Angels offense put you to sleep in the playoffs last year, when KC bitchslapped us.


As for the big A, here's how I see it.  There are the fans with disposable income, that are there nightly (visible on the TV batter cross shots at home plate - they are couples and families in the diamond club and MVP seats, or whatever they are called.)  Those people typically in their 50s and 60s.   I don't think they know anything about stats - but they get the standings.   They wear red every night, and have various combinations of Angels clothing to always wear red. 


But that probably only accounts for about 1,000 people.   Those are your prime season ticket holders.   The buy into anything Angels.


I would venture to guess, only a small handful of the people on AW.com are season ticket holders, and of that small number, most split tickets.


Unfortunately, life happens, and it's not easy to get to a game routinely when you have long work commitments, an off-hour work schedule, or you have kids with busy commitments.


You get your occasional turnout for the promotional giveaways, and you get your opposing fans that support the visiting team.


To be honest, there's a lot of things to do in SoCal.   There are cultures here that simply don't exist in other markets.  


It's easy to take the Angels for granted, like all of the other great things this region has to offer.  

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Soto: " You get your occasional turnout for the promotional giveaways, and you get your opposing fans that support the visiting team."

Occasional turnout? I believe we've been in the top 3 in attendance in the AL every decade of our existence.

So far this year, we are 2nd in average home attendance in the league.

Other than that, good post

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Soto: " You get your occasional turnout for the promotional giveaways, and you get your opposing fans that support the visiting team."

Occasional turnout? I believe we've been in the top 3 in attendance in the AL every decade of our existence.

So far this year, we are 2nd in average home attendance in the league.

Other than that, good post

Shhhhhhh....you might actually wake some of those fans up.

Lou, are you talking about paid attendance or actual living, breathing human beings that are in the ballpark. Because there's a difference.

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Soto: " You get your occasional turnout for the promotional giveaways, and you get your opposing fans that support the visiting team."

Occasional turnout? I believe we've been in the top 3 in attendance in the AL every decade of our existence.

So far this year, we are 2nd in average home attendance in the league.

Other than that, good post


And our attendance is way down.   Sure Arte basks in the thousands of season tickets scooped up by scalpers every season.   They don't always sell.   I'm sorry you think the Angel games are packed with people.  They aren't.  


And you gave me a good laugh of the Angels being Top 3 in the AL every decade of our existence.  Sorry.   I remember the 70s, 80s, 90s, and certainly the 2000s.

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I don't subscribe to 'baseball is just better when the Mets and Yankees are good'.  

Why?  To whom?  I couldn't care less about New York teams winning.  The 'best crowds' are there through thick and thin.

St Louis Cardinals, Golden State Warriors, Pittsburgh Steelers, Green Bay Packers.  Mets fans are front runners who are currently out of their hibernation.

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