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Angels Official Website: MVP Tracker: Trout, Stanton the front-runners


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Trout has a been a key offensive force on a team with the best record in baseball and is universally considered one of the best players in the game.  How is he not the MVP at this point for the AL?  Right now, he's hitting:


.285  .369 OBP .920 OPS 31 HR 98 RBI and is 13/15 in SB attempts plus plays one of the most demanding positions in baseball.


How skewed have expectations become when this isn't considered MVP worthy?


The guy is still only 23 and is adjusting to adjustments made against him.  From what I can tell, he seems to be trying to pull a lot more pitches instead of taking them to right field in previous seasons which has contributed to pop ups and increased K's.  I'm sure (at least I hope its been mentioned) by Don Baylor but each hitter has to find his own groove.  Either way, the guy is the MVP in the AL right now.

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Mets' CF Juan Lagares must be tops in MLB for CF defense.

Third in NL WAR despite a .717 OPS and only 9 SBs


Here's a recent espn article on Lagares.


Comparisons made to Devon White.

Edited by Angel Oracle
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Mine would go something like:






Victor Martinez.










etc etc etc.


I wouldnt even have a problem if Altuve got mvp. He's been fantastic.

Edited by DW711
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Never mind Donaldson leading the AL in WAR despite good not great stats, how the heck does Jason Heyward lead the NL despite just a .750 OPS, 17-21 SBs, and less than 70 runs scored.   Is Heyward THAT good of a defender? 


Both Donaldson and Heyward play in big parks.


a 3.1 dwar is really high...but I don't know if Heyward should be THAT HIGH in overall war

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Not sure, but it seems that dWAR would have to be calculated by a replacement at any given position whereas oWAR is calculated from all position players.  Even though players get credit playing tougher defensive positions, if dWAR is only relative to other players at the same position there is a likelihood of statistical error due to a smaller sample.  In any given year it seems that a player like Heyward could be so much better than the replacement or avg level stats attributed to his position.  It would be interesting to see what Trout's oWAR would be if he were just compared to other CFers offensively. 

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Not sure, but it seems that dWAR would have to be calculated by a replacement at any given position whereas oWAR is calculated from all position players.  Even though players get credit playing tougher defensive positions, if dWAR is only relative to other players at the same position there is a likelihood of statistical error due to a smaller sample.  In any given year it seems that a player like Heyward could be so much better than the replacement or avg level stats attributed to his position.  It would be interesting to see what Trout's oWAR would be if he were just compared to other CFers offensively. 

actually this is backwards. Depending on what position you play at, a positional handicap is added to or subtracted from your offensive WAR, not your defensive WAR. That means a DH with the same offensive numbers as a second baseman would have a lower offensive WAR. Completely counterintuitive and actually eliminates the usefulness of offenseive WAR as a stat. 


wRC+ is the best stat for arguing about who is the best player offensively as there's zero subjectivity involved.

Edited by ScottLux
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I hate to say it but if Jose Abreu doesn't win the MVP this year just because his team sucks then it will be the exact robbery Trout suffered in his first 2 seasons. He has blown Trout out of the water in BA/SLG/OPS, has a better OBP by 20 points, has and will most likely finish with more HRs, and strikes out much less. He is also a good defender so that isn't an area that Trout can make up the difference, (like the voters care about defense anyway).

Bottom line: if the season ended today Abreu would be most deserving of the MVP as Trout was the last 2 years.


Abreau has teout beat in BA...the rest are ao close its not much to argue about. Whereas abreau has shown more power, he also benefits from his park...trouts right behind him though. As well as for rbi. Better in runs scored. The rest of the counting stats like total bases and extra base hits all favor trout as well.

And abreu is a dh.

So im not knocking abreu at all. I was vocal about wanting to sign him this year (to give us trade depth a la trumbo). Hes a beast at the plate. But again, chicago and anaheim are two different parks. And in terms of overall game, the CF vs DH argument cant be ignored.

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