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Hudler and Physioc in KC


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yeah, they're having fun in KC.......Phys is originally from there and Hud played for KC and St. Louis during his career.


We have a hometown kid pitching for KC (Duffy) and doing well this year so I've been listening to a fair number of KC radio broadcasts on line.


Phys and Hud are split up pretty much and not together on the TV/ radio broadcasts........I really like Denny Matthews the long time KC radio guy who does some TV as well.


Ryan Leferve (spelled wrong and not sure if Ryan is actually his first name) son of former LA Dogs rookie of the year ('65) 2B Jim Lefevre is on the TV side as well.


Hey, Hud and Phys are Hud and Phys -- only the team and venue have changed........Phys actually does better paired with someone like Denny Matthews -- sort of a conversation in the booth -- which I like......and yeah. Phys had that 'car dealer' sheen as one poster put it (pretty good description IMO) but he was our guy and an acquired taste.  I didn't particularly like the Phys/ Hud pairing and they're not paired together much in KC if at all.........


Hud still pretty much over the top -- even talking about our hometown kids, the superlatives coming out of him are just too much sometimes.


I think the Halos and probably KC mis-use Hud -- IMO, I wouldn't have him on the broadcasts but would make him more of a team ambassador (mascot?) and have him do either/or/both the pre-game and post game call in shows.......he's great with the fans and seems to connect with people......he's be great in the role and on the field before the games mugging for the fans' cameras and playing to the crowd.........


Recently there's been some criticism of our guys, Victor Rojas and Gubi in the LA Times letters section in the Saturday sports section........a few are a comparison to Vin Scully -- which is really sort of unfair -- I know some folks here don't care for Gubi but I think he teams up with Rojas better than the Phys/Hud combo we had........as for Rojas, not sure why there's any criticism there -- I think he's pretty good and often calls it like it is rather than being a homer type.  I also think Terry Smith does a good job on the radio side.

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Always enjoyed Hud despite his emotional fireworks.  Phys, just too bland.  Phys & Goober: the worst bland of both worlds. Goober should be promoted to Admiral Obvious.  Rojas OTOH is smooth, funny, and his playing experience adds value to the play by play.

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Recently there's been some criticism of our guys, Victor Rojas and Gubi in the LA Times letters section in the Saturday sports section........a few are a comparison to Vin Scully -- which is really sort of unfair

Probably Dodgers fans who can't get Dodgers games who watched the freeway series on FSW.

I like Victor and Gubi, even if Rojas sometimes is a bit bias.

The only part of the broadcast team I don't like is Patrick O'Neil. I don't think he knows much about baseball.

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Recently there's been some criticism of our guys, Victor Rojas and Gubi in the LA Times letters section in the Saturday sports section........a few are a comparison to Vin Scully -- which is really sort of unfair 


They are probably mad that Victor and Gubi can go all game and never mention the Dodgers.   

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Gubi is clearly a nice guy but he's boring as batshit. Victor is okay but there's certainly better out there. In hindsight they should have kept Hud and found him a better partner.

I actually really liked Gubi when he was doing the pre/post game shows in 2006/2007, and he's a serviceable color man, but just a bit stiff.  I also think the Angels are his 3rd favorite team (behind the Phillies and Royals).

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Lol, good point, gubi is a phills/royals guy forst seemingly.

I hated rex at first but grew to like him. He was a goof, but kind of entertaining. Phys was boring, but was decent and seemed like a good guy. Weird combo though.

Gubi is ok...I dont love or hate him. I like rojas. Not 'great', but is pretty knowledgable and sneaks in some good trash talk. Witty guy.

I actually like terry and langston. Terry prob because hes been around so long so im biased. I hate langstons lineup intros....they suck. But hes got good insight, and I love that he doesnt sugar coar when we screw up. They work well together

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