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What Went Down Last Night

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I'm house sitting at my mom's this weekend because she went to stagecoach. I'm watching the kings game all night. My brother comes back home and my mom's sister in law is up stairs because she rents a room from my mom and step dad.

At around 1115 pm we almost felt like was an Earthquake. The house floor was not shaking but the windows and what felt like someone running upstairs or on the roof. The house is a 5 bedroom 2 story house btw. My brother and I ask my aunt (by marriage) who is upstairs if she felt that she said yes "my windows were shaking."

So at around 1145. My brother and I still watching TV in the living room when....someone kick in the French doors at my mom's. I mean on loud big kick that scared the crap out of me.My brother and I get up run outside. Where no one is to be found. No one running away. No footsteps. Nothing. We must have been outside in 4 seconds.

We call the cops they find no one in the house. No one around the neighborhood. Nothing.

So I'm asking..was it someone trying to break in (I'm guessing a tweaker or someone high as sh!t) or some kind of ghost?Because how fast can someone get away? And noises what seem to come from upstairs when no one was up there besides my aunt (who said "I thought it was you guys horse playing up here in the other room") or which is my guess..someone running across the roof. Almost like someone had a full sprint on our roof.

The cops (orange county sheriff's) didn't believe for 1 second. I was nervous as sh!T bc of what happened when talking to them. Not in my 27 yrs has anything like this happen to me or us.

I honestly felt like we were gonna end up like the people on "The Strangers" which is the most fvcked up movie of all time

Edited by nando714
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Semi-serious response: OP - You just described minutes 15-30 of the movie Signs. To keep prepared you should be leaving a lot of half-empty water glasses around the house.


And make sure you have a former high school baseball star who looks like River Phoneix's brother with you at all times

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