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Dying Vet's Letter to Bush & Cheney

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Can't read it at work, but right away I wonder if this will be on snopes any time soon. 


That said (this is for you, MT!), I've always wondered about the selective outrage machine.  Imagine if Obama had been president when a war was started that resulted in the deaths of over 4,400 servicemen.  Hoo boy, would there be some chain emails about that!

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I joined the Army two days after the 9/11 attacks. I joined the Army because our country had been attacked. I wanted to strike back at those who had killed some 3,000 of my fellow citizens. I did not join the Army to go to Iraq...


What made this dumbass think he got to choose what area of combat he would be assigned? What if he got his life ending injury being run over by a supply truck in Germany guarding now defunct missle silos?


He wanted to kill people in Afghanistan and now wants to wail at Bush and Cheney on how unfair it was he had to kill Iraqis? Somehow I just do not feel any pity for this guy, he wanted to kill people, be the righteous hand of vengence and ended up on the losing side. This is some mighty dissengenuous bullshit.  

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The man brings up a point that I brought up 9 years ago and was ridiculed for. There was a huge bait and switch puled off involving the forces that joined the military following 9/11, who thought they would go fight Al Qaeda but ended up in Iraq instead fighting a war invented for the purpose of invigorating the war industry in the wake of the fall of the Soviet Union. I participated in the first wave of this during Desert Storm. We softened them up for the big invasion later. 

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Can't read it at work, but right away I wonder if this will be on snopes any time soon. 


That said (this is for you, MT!), I've always wondered about the selective outrage machine.  Imagine if Obama had been president when a war was started that resulted in the deaths of over 4,400 servicemen.  Hoo boy, would there be some chain emails about that!

He's been president during these wars for going on 5 years now and servicemen are still dying.

Selective outrage isn't confined to one side of the aisle.

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I joined the Army two days after the 9/11 attacks. I joined the Army because our country had been attacked. I wanted to strike back at those who had killed some 3,000 of my fellow citizens. I did not join the Army to go to Iraq...


What made this dumbass think he got to choose what area of combat he would be assigned? What if he got his life ending injury being run over by a supply truck in Germany guarding now defunct missle silos?


He wanted to kill people in Afghanistan and now wants to wail at Bush and Cheney on how unfair it was he had to kill Iraqis? Somehow I just do not feel any pity for this guy, he wanted to kill people, be the righteous hand of vengence and ended up on the losing side. This is some mighty dissengenuous bullshit.  


I see what you are saying, but I think he joined the military for more "patriotic" reasons than "fuk ya kill dem arabs". I think he got caught up in the patriotism surrounding 9/11 and thought by joining the military he was going to do his country a service by defending it. Unfortunately he seemed to have skimmed over the "fine print" regarding military service. Is that Bush/Cheney's fault? Perhaps, but being an American he had the choice to stay home and play video games but instead he elected to join the military.


I do like his point about the treatment of veterans post-war, but I suppose that is a discussion for another thread.

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Can't read it at work, but right away I wonder if this will be on snopes any time soon. 


That said (this is for you, MT!), I've always wondered about the selective outrage machine.  Imagine if Obama had been president when a war was started that resulted in the deaths of over 4,400 servicemen.  Hoo boy, would there be some chain emails about that!


It's comforting when things don't change.  Thanks Tin!!!

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He's been president during these wars for going on 5 years now and servicemen are still dying.

Selective outrage isn't confined to one side of the aisle.



Yes, but he didn't lead us into it, and lead us in with such enthusiasm, which was my point. 

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We were in Iraq for one reason and one reason only: The Bush family legacy. Bush, Sr. said after leaving office that his one regret was not taking out Saddam Hussein during Desert Storm. Enter W, who set out from day one to finish the job. According to members of his own administration, George W. Bush was hell bent on invading Iraq before he even took office. Every pretense in the book was tried. Weapons of mass destruction, which Iraq supposedly had, for which not one scrap of evidence was ever found. Linking Iraq to 9/11, when there was no connection whatsoever. Then there was the angle of "liberating" the Iraqi people, meaning trying to force American-style democracy on them when that was not what they wanted. Iraq will not recover in our lifetimes. It has become a fragmented country with various factions controlling different parts of it, while a central government pretends to be in control. It apparently never occurred to Bush that removing Saddam Hussein, regardless of the motivation for doing so, would create a leadership vacuum that every group repressed under his rule would rush to fill, and far from embracing American values, they would follow their own.


I completely agree with this veteran. We had every reason to be in Afghanistan. We had no reason whatsoever to be in Iraq. We planted thousands of soldiers over one man's ego.

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I think that's part of it, Vegas, but it goes beyond that. The Iraq War(s) had everything to do with oil and $$$. If I were that veteran I'd be pissed that my life, and the life of thousands of other Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were ruined/taken away for the financial benefit of a few greedy men.

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I think that's part of it, Vegas, but it goes beyond that. The Iraq War(s) had everything to do with oil and $$$. If I were that veteran I'd be pissed that my life, and the life of thousands of other Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis were ruined/taken away for the financial benefit of a few greedy men.


What a dumb argument.  What wars were fought for noble purposes?  War is stupid, ugly and awful.  Honestly, what true purpose could anyone give that is worth what it truly given in return? 


and seriously, I don't think there is a more conceited lib on this entire website than you.

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We've had these discussions many times over the years glen. The war for oil argument is still a ridiculous mantra.

To throw out a regime that had continued to defy disarmament demands of treaties and flipping the bird at the rest of the world while being incredibly oppressive to their own people. I'm guessing personal animous played a part in the decision on the emotional side and understandably so. And, I think there was some military strategic reasoning for the ensuing conflict in the region. There was never a prospect for controlling or gaining the oil and making great financial gain from invading Iraq.

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Lifetime, it turns out the Iraqi army was dissarmed and really was defensless. They had almost nothing in the way of an airforce, nothing in the way of long range missle capabilities, no biological weapons and no nuclear capabilities. So in essence they weren't violating any treaties.


Later we found that they controlled their population in terms of terrorist activities better than our occupational forces. We ended up killing far more of their population in a few short years than Sadam did in his entire riegn.


So please explain the real cause for destroying their soveriegn rights to self govern.

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