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That Right There


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Remind yourself of two things:

1) These games don't matter for the postseason, because the Angels aren't going

2) Consider now until the end of the year as extended spring training for next year. Players like Gutierrez are getting a try out to see if they have anything that can be worked on. And players like Garret Richards are getting playing time to be more seasoned for next year.

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I understand that. But Scioscia is in love with rightie-rightie or leftie-leftie match ups. He doesn't look at numbers anymore. Why would you walk a back up catcher who hits worse from the left side who isn't hitting well lately and pitch to the guy who has hit well this series?? All for that match up? Scioscia is terrible. This team will become competitive again when he is gone

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Ya, that was a very weird IBB call. Corporan is a much weaker hitter from the left side, and Dominguez is hitting righties better than lefties. And considering you're also looking at putting another potential run on base for Dominguez, it hardly seems worth it.


And then of course JC did what JC does.

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Remind yourself of two things:

1) These games don't matter for the postseason, because the Angels aren't going

2) Consider now until the end of the year as extended spring training for next year. Players like Gutierrez are getting a try out to see if they have anything that can be worked on. And players like Garret Richards are getting playing time to be more seasoned for next year.

Sure seems like Gutierrez is working on a few things alright. With KC, he had a 3.38 ERA with 1.38 WHIP. With us he has a 7.44 ERA with a 1.74 WHIP

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Match-up obsession

Pitch counts

Contact play

Bunting all the time

Overaggressive baserunning


Hate them all.


Can't wait for a new manager.

let me add constant tinkering with the lineup

constant tinkering with the batting order

apathetic coaching staff comprised of marginal ex mlb players

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Someone asked how some people can still support Scioscia.  I responded that one reason why I still support him is that the criticism by many on this board is absolutely ridiculous.  Its like crying wolf.  You complain about the stupid things enough it deflates the seriousness of legit complaints.


Today?  Your complaints are silly as hell!

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Someone asked how some people can still support Scioscia.  I responded that one reason why I still support him is that the criticism by many on this board is absolutely ridiculous.  Its like crying wolf.  You complain about the stupid things enough it deflates the seriousness of legit complaints.


Today?  Your complaints are silly as hell!

Then you're delusional. I'm glad you're content with losing

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apathetic coaching staff comprised of marginal ex mlb players


This part isn't an issue. Some of the best coaches and managers are either marginal former players or guys who never made the majors. Ability to teach, motivate, and recognize and fix problems are far more important than one's resume as a player.

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Match-up obsession

Pitch counts

Contact play - we've hardly used it this year

Bunting all the time - we don't do very much small ball anymore

Overaggressive baserunning - some of that has to be on the runners and Dino Ebel


Hate them all.


Can't wait for a new manager.

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This part isn't an issue. Some of the best coaches and managers are either marginal former players or guys who never made the majors. Ability to teach, motivate, and recognize and fix problems are far more important than one's resume as a player.

you're right. they still suck, however.

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Salvage.  It's all about salvage. 


This team is gonna get a massive pitching overhaul this off season yet they are gonna need to keep at least 3-4 guys for the pen.  The thing we don't know yet is whether one of the guy they are planning on keeping could be the key to getting a deal done.  Like Frieri.  Even though he is worth keeping, his value in trade might be important.  So you have to see if there is anything else


Also, keep in mind that if there is truly friction with MS and JD then maybe MS is going to continue to trot out JD's dumpster dive reclamation projects to prove to him that they suck.


Another thing to keep in mind - MS and/or JD are either going to get fired or they are not.  The rest of this season likely has no bearing on whether that happens.  Leaving Blanton in the other day and JC in today are not make or break decisions and you have to assume that the thought process goes well beyond wins and losses at this point. 

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Then you're delusional. I'm glad you're content with losing


NICE response!  Yes, I am content with losing, you win the argument!


I got news for you, Scioscia knows more about managing a baseball team than the idiots on this board. So  the criticism of nit picking every little move he makes is stupid!  I am so glad you have your video games where you can be a pretend manager where you mistakes are not critique for every idiot to comment on!



Now, if you want to argue that Scioscia may of lost the ability to motivate the team I will remain silent.

If you want to argue that Scioscia does not get his team ready to play in April, I will remain silent

If you want to argue that Scioscia does not hire good bench, hitting or pitching coaches, I will remain silent.

If you want to argue that Scioscia may give too much lattitude to his veterans who are struggling I will remain quiet.


However, you if you want to claim Scioscia can't manage because you don't like the fact that he pitched around one player to get to another?  That is stupid!  Why?  Because you don't have all the information that Scioscia knows when he makes the decision.  Maybe there is a match up issue.  Maybe the lefty lefty match makes sense statistically.  Maybe he knows about an injury or some tendency you that you do not know!


Yes, most of your criticism of Scioacia is just plain stupid and it deflects away from legit criticism.

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I'm a Scioscia supporter but he isn't perfect.


Along those lines though, if you are going to pick apart every move you aren't going to find a manager who is much better. Every manager calls too many IBBs and most call too many sac bunts.


I think MS is still better than most when it comes to in game strategy and bullpen management. He just doesn't have the horses (especially in the pen). Clint Hurdle is a terrible strategist and his team is doing well because he has good players.

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NICE response! Yes, I am content with losing, you win the argument!

I got news for you, Scioscia knows more about managing a baseball team than the idiots on this board. So the criticism of nit picking every little move he makes is stupid! I am so glad you have your video games where you can be a pretend manager where you mistakes are not critique for every idiot to comment on!

Now, if you want to argue that Scioscia may of lost the ability to motivate the team I will remain silent.

If you want to argue that Scioscia does not get his team ready to play in April, I will remain silent

If you want to argue that Scioscia does not hire good bench, hitting or pitching coaches, I will remain silent.

If you want to argue that Scioscia may give too much lattitude to his veterans who are struggling I will remain quiet.

However, you if you want to claim Scioscia can't manage because you don't like the fact that he pitched around one player to get to another? That is stupid! Why? Because you don't have all the information that Scioscia knows when he makes the decision. Maybe there is a match up issue. Maybe the lefty lefty match makes sense statistically. Maybe he knows about an injury or some tendency you that you do not know!

Yes, most of your criticism of Scioacia is just plain stupid and it deflects away from legit criticism.

This is exactly how I feel, and I'm actually in favor of a new manager NEXT season. All this Arte doesn't care shit or Scioscia is just going through the motions is just plain ridiculous. When you start spouting off that crap you basically lose credibility and can't really be taken seriously.

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Salvage.  It's all about salvage. 


This team is gonna get a massive pitching overhaul this off season yet they are gonna need to keep at least 3-4 guys for the pen.  The thing we don't know yet is whether one of the guy they are planning on keeping could be the key to getting a deal done.  Like Frieri.  Even though he is worth keeping, his value in trade might be important.  So you have to see if there is anything else


Also, keep in mind that if there is truly friction with MS and JD then maybe MS is going to continue to trot out JD's dumpster dive reclamation projects to prove to him that they suck.


Another thing to keep in mind - MS and/or JD are either going to get fired or they are not.  The rest of this season likely has no bearing on whether that happens.  Leaving Blanton in the other day and JC in today are not make or break decisions and you have to assume that the thought process goes well beyond wins and losses at this point. 


Leaving Blanton and JC in also allows them to rest the arms that they might be keeping for next season to avoid possible injury issues. It also allows us to improve our loss record towards a better first round pick. Finally if either one had shown some ability to turnaround their performance it would have, *cough*, showcased themselves for August waivers (not going to happen now obviously).


Frieri would be a possible trade piece as Dochalo suggested. He is heading towards higher arbitration salaries and it may not be cost-effective to keep him if he can be flipped for more cost-effective young talent. Everyone except Trout should be in play this offseason.


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