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It Just Gets Worst: A-Rod's camp leaked documents implicating Braun

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Not sure if this is a Craig, but worth mentioning. It will be interesting to see how this plays out with the players. Its not just that A-Rod used roids, but with many layers:


1) He used roids

2) He lied about it

3) He tried to cover up the evidence

4) Even after all that, he appealed his suspension

5) He tried--and succeeded in--bringing down others with him


One and two are not good but forgivable, and "strike two," because that's what everyone else did - or at least those who were caught. But strike five?


I personally think we're seeing A-Rod's last games, and that it may be that the reason he's appealing the year and a half sentence is that he knows he won't come back from that, not at 39 or 40, so he's getting his last few swings in. Or maybe he's just deluded and thinks he can have a career in his 40s while being anathema to everyone he plays against.


What a travesty. He makes Barry Bonds look like Mother Theresa.

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I can't help but think that a lot of this is a covert operation by the Yankees as a way to get out of his contract. I mean, we have three choices:


1) A-Rod is a complete scumbag and an idiot to boot

2) The Yankees are conducting a covert smear campaign so they can annul A-Rod's contract

3) Both


The media is portraying it as 1 while A-Rod has implied that its really 2. At this point I would bet on both, but wouldn't be surprised if 1 is overblown because of 2.

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I truly think Selig is just piling on. Wants to look like he is doing something about steroids after turning a blind eye for so long. There is no doubt in my mind he knew about the drug use and chose to ignore because the fans were coming back to the park. He hasn't tested positive and yet Selig wants to give him four times the penalty as the rest on this most recent list. Is Selig doing this to help the Yankees get out from under the contract? I think that is likely. Remember the Yankees looked into voiding Giambis contract a few years back. Giambis apologized to everyone but didn't say what've was apologizing for. Very few players address the charges with any truth. ARod addressed the steroid issue from his Texas days. He at least faced the media after his appeal. Am not saying he is a angel by any stretch. But there is no doubt in,my mind that Selig is being vindictive and would lose if this ever went to a court of law. Alex is unpopular so he is an easy target. Manny was a popular player, tested positive twice and actually had his second suspension reduced by Selig. Reduced because he retired and never said shit about his tests. Selig has even allowed three different teams to sign him to a contract after his second positive test and reduced suspension. I just think Selig is disingenuous and is trying to reshape his legacy before he retires.

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Selig is doing his best to help the Yankees out of that contract which makes you wonder if some of the charges are not fully supported. Yeah, A-Rod is the easy target for everyone to dislike and deservedly so but if he can prove the majority of the allegations are false then the Commissioner is going to have his job on the line.


A new commissioner picked not from their pack of jackals but outside of baseball ownership would be in the sports best interest.


I can't help but think that a lot of this is a covert operation by the Yankees as a way to get out of his contract. I mean, we have three choices:


1) A-Rod is a complete scumbag and an idiot to boot

2) The Yankees are conducting a covert smear campaign so they can annul A-Rod's contract

3) Both


The media is portraying it as 1 while A-Rod has implied that its really 2. At this point I would bet on both, but wouldn't be surprised if 1 is overblown because of 2.

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Not sure if this is a Craig, but worth mentioning. It will be interesting to see how this plays out with the players. Its not just that A-Rod used roids, but with many layers:


1) He used roids

2) He lied about it

3) He tried to cover up the evidence

4) Even after all that, he appealed his suspension

5) He tried--and succeeded in--bringing down others with him


One and two are not good but forgivable, and "strike two," because that's what everyone else did - or at least those who were caught. But strike five?


I personally think we're seeing A-Rod's last games, and that it may be that the reason he's appealing the year and a half sentence is that he knows he won't come back from that, not at 39 or 40, so he's getting his last few swings in. Or maybe he's just deluded and thinks he can have a career in his 40s while being anathema to everyone he plays against.


What a travesty. He makes Barry Bonds look like Mother Theresa.


It is sad, because he is making Barry look like Mother Theresa!

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From the looks of it, the Yankees are going to get off the hook with that contract. Why did we have to sign a good guy like Pujols? I hope he holds up his promise and retires if he can't produce for us anymore (very unlikely though).

The Yankees aren't going to get off the hook with A-Rod's contract. In fact, there's a chance that A-Rod's 211 game suspension is going to be reduced. 

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The Yankees aren't going to get off the hook with A-Rod's contract. In fact, there's a chance that A-Rod's 211 game suspension is going to be reduced. 


I don't think theres a scenario where Arod isn't suspended for the entire 2014 season, even AFTER the sentence being reduced. 

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I don't want the Yankees getting out of the A-Rod contract. Being that i was born, raised and still currently reside in Northern NJ, only about 25 minutes from NY and am surrounded by obnoxious Yankees fans their A-Rod contract is glorious to me. I got sh*t on when they signed that contract for saying how stupid it was and i'm just sitting here like "I told you so" and they're just like "27 rings".

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Miguel Tejada 25 games for a second dirty test. Third dirty test and his suspension is still half of ARod suspension with no dirty tests. Again not a defense of ARod but an indictment on Seligs myopic persecution of Alex. He stood idly by and watched Big Mac, Sosa and Bonds alleged use and said nothing. Now he goes hot and heavy after a wildly unpopular player at the tail end of his career to make himself look tough on drugs. Plus he maybe able to help the Yankees save some money. If I am Alex after all of this I would refuse to retire and make them live up to their commitment.

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Miguel Tejada 25 games for a second dirty test. Third dirty test and his suspension is still half of ARod suspension with no dirty tests. Again not a defense of ARod but an indictment on Seligs myopic persecution of Alex. He stood idly by and watched Big Mac, Sosa and Bonds alleged use and said nothing. Now he goes hot and heavy after a wildly unpopular player at the tail end of his career to make himself look tough on drugs. Plus he maybe able to help the Yankees save some money. If I am Alex after all of this I would refuse to retire and make them live up to their commitment.

There's no way that A-Rod is going to retire with a ton of money left on his contract. When his suspension is over, the Yankees will probably immediately DFA him, but he'll get all of the money still owed to him by the Yankees.  

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I agree 100% angel ram. I read the yahoo article from the other thread concerning Tejada. Three dirty tests. Convicted of lieing to congress. Lied about his age to sign a bigger, longer contract. Admitted to buying HGH. His laundry list of offenses of which he has admitted guilt is far longer than ARods. And yet his suspension is half as long. Again I know it now sounds like I am now smacking Tejada but my intention is truly to point out that Selig is inconsistent and vindictive. Didn't he make his money as a used car salesman, or was that a different owner? Lets not forget that he was an owner that became MLB Commissioner after the previous three or four Commissioners were fair and unbiased in regards to owner/players issues.

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I truly think Selig is just piling on. Wants to look like he is doing something about steroids after turning a blind eye for so long. There is no doubt in my mind he knew about the drug use and chose to ignore because the fans were coming back to the park.


This was never more evident than in 1998, when we had the home run chase between Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa, two players long since outed (not surprisingly) as PED users. After decades of no one even coming close to Roger Maris' single season home run record, now we had two players who were not only going to break the record, but obliterate it in the same season. Maris' family showed up in St. Louis at the game when McGwire passed Maris to congratulate him, having no idea that he had significant chemical help. I didn't hear Selig bellowing about the evils of PEDs then.

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Speaking of Braun, an old friend of his is suing him and making more accusations against Braun:


"Ralph Sasson, 29, makes a number of personal accusations against Braun, saying in the lawsuit that Braun doped through his years at the University of Miami, committed academic fraud and accepted money while a student."



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