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Is this true?!

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LIghter bats don't help you hit pitches six inches off the plate.


Earlier this year there was a game in which Josh Hamilton broke all of his bats. According to Victor Rojas, the next closest thing was to borrow one of Mark Trumbo's bats  :(

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Earlier this year there was a game in which Josh Hamilton broke all of his bats. According to Victor Rojas, the next closest thing was to borrow one of Mark Trumbo's bats  :(

I'm sure those bats were as helpful to Hamilton than they are for Trumbo.

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Earlier this year there was a game in which Josh Hamilton broke all of his bats. According to Victor Rojas, the next closest thing was to borrow one of Mark Trumbo's bats  :(


Looked online, and Trumbo uses a 34/32.  I'm thinking 34 ounces, 32 inches?.  Trout uses a 33.5 oz.   Hamilton looks like a 35 inch.  Can't find a weight on it though.  

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All the godly people on our team suck.  Maybe they should switch to scientology or satanism or something


Hamilton and Pujols are definitely disappointing. Chris Iannetta is pretty good at walking though. Vernon Wells switched over to the Yankees. 

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All the godly people on our team suck. Maybe they should switch to scientology or satanism or something

ha! Thought the same thing - look at the 86 Mets they only had one religious guy in Gary Carter the rest did coke and partied with Hookers - bad guys but good on the field
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