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GDT: 8/5/13 Rangers @ Angels- No Calhoun

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@Alden_Gonzalez: Conger has now started only one of the #Angels' last seven games. He said recently he isn't injured.

@MikeDiGiovanna: Tony Phillips, 54, worked out for #Rangers MGR Ron Washington in Angel Stadium today. Tony hopes to play winter ball in Dominican Republic.



No doubt they will meet up at the Ivanhoe to discuss contract terms...

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Awesome now I for sure ain't watching this game. So I'm guessing the lefty is the reason for no Calhoun? Got it Sosh. Cause you know absolutely everything and you know that Kole can't hit Lefty pitching. Got it.


yep, scioscia drops him to the 9th spot vs a lefty to show he has no confidence in him, then after he went 0-4 yesterday, he just benches him altogether.  4 ab's was all it took to show calhoun cant hit lefties.  scioscia is unbelievable.

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