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I know it's only April, but...

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5 hours ago, angelsfan100 said:

There's something different about this team. Also to anyone who jumped ship prematurely go f***k yourself. 

God Damnit!!!!!

Fir several years we get ona streak.  Lead our division and then we start hearing. "This team is different"  "this team is special".  Then we go on and get crushed with injuries.


Don't jinx us!!!



In case people do not know, that is sarcasm.

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There are lots of different dynamics. Not necessarily translating into results far beyond expectations. But still cautiously hinting at sustained optimism. A different sort maybe than the past but at least towards a solid revamped (still in progress)  and forward looking team. 

I just have a gut feeling (and hope)  that Washington and his staff will keep the team more steady and focussed than in recent years. And some unexpected  players will surprise positively. As well as having less devastating injuries. 

Hanging around .500 or better and sniffing at the wild card scramble would equate a positive season. Playing meaningful games in September rather than spoiler would be a solid success.


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Baltimore is arguably the best team in the AL. That series was always going to be tough.

This is still a transition year. Doesn’t mean they can’t compete but I won’t build any expectations. Just want them to stay healthy, develop the kids right, and make a savvy trade or two to compliment a good draft.

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The bullpen looks much improved. The lineup is pretty questionable unless we get this version of Taylor Ward all season and Jo Adell's seemingly new approach sticks and leads to results. The rotation is still a huge question mark, although I am very high on Detmers and Anderson having a rebound season.

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3 minutes ago, Erstad Grit said:

Everyone keeps saying Marlins are a really bad team. I disagree. I think they are a solid .500 type of team. They're a playoff team who lost their ace and big HR guy. 

Getting a healthy Stephenson would be huge. 

As I've said elsewhere, they weren't actually a very good team last year.  They got outscored by more than 50 runs. 

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I think it has been said since before spring training started that if we got some solid performances from the regulars (not out of the realm of possibility), the starting pitching and bullpen had the capability of keeping them a float. 

not saying it’s happening after 6 games, but floating around as a wild card contender and then catching fire in September isn’t a 0% chance. 

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