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Are We Done?


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Anyone out there get the sense after the Ohtani announcement that aside from some small moves we are done this off season?  Not hearing many rumors that we are involved with any of the remaining FA out there.  Is it possible we were misled into believing we aren’t rebuilding when this was all the while this statement was 100% tied into Ohtani staying?  Our current team has no chance to hang in the West or wildcard for that matter unless some serious holes are filled and I just don’t get the sense it’s going to happen.  Thoughts?

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not even close to done. there are still plenty of roster spots to fill.

just because there aren't a lot of rumors doesn't mean they're sitting in the office playing x-box. we know from a lot of years of watching that perry and company are on the phone everyday looking to fill the needs of the team. 

it requires a lot of patience on our part as we want things done RIGHT NOW, but that's not how these things work.

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No, but I also don't want to get anyone's hopes up. 

Ohtani's negotiations held up the market, and now free agents are allowing their individual markets to develop. But also, if two teams are offering similar money, the player is more likely to choose a winning team with a strong farm that can infuse excitement and talent. 

Right now, the Angels aren't a winning team, and while O'Hoppe, Neto and Schanuel are exciting, much of the farm is barren. So I'm guessing that unless the Angels offer more money, they probably aren't at the top of anyone's list. And I doubt they're involved in the trade market for guys like Cease or Bieber. The cost will be more than I think they can afford. 

So my guess is they'll round out the roster with some low cost vets. 

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1 hour ago, Angelfann9961 said:

It’s been a few days since the news and no word that the Angels are on to anyone.  If anything the Angels should be more aggressive with the remaining FA field if they are truly not in rebuild mode. 

They are never "in" on anyone until they sign them. It's always been how they operate.

I guarantee they're looking at everything.

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8 minutes ago, TheLordofOuts said:

No, we are not done. We must round up as many pitchforks and torches and seize Arte and force him to sell the team. 

I mean, how dense is the guy?! 

The last straw for me was not trading Ohtani and getting a nice haul. Instead, we got nothing. 

Horrible owner. Team going nowhere since 2014. Rinse, lather, repeat. Another 73-89 season next year?

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4 minutes ago, Kendo36 said:

Ron Washington hire should have told you everything. We're done. Let the kids grow. The money is tied up in Trout and Rendon and they have to perform. 

They can stay under the tax threshold in 2024 (getting as close to it as possible without going over), and then go over in 2025-2026 without paying larger penalties.

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