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Just sell the goddamn team, Arte.


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As justified as this sentiment may be, people really need to accept the reality nobody can make him sell.  You're best off hoping the effort they showed at the deadline will carry over into the winter or (for your own health) quit watching.  I say this as someone that is as disconnected from this team as I have ever been in my life.

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1 minute ago, Inside Pitch said:

As justified as this sentiment may be, people really need to accept the reality nobody can make him sell.  Your best off hoping the effort they showed at the deadline will carry over into the winter or (for your own health) quit watching.  I say this as someone that is as disconnected from this team as I have ever been in my life.

There's a cancer in the org. This is just another in a long line of disasters.

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Sure would be cool to have a crystal ball that would show us where we’d be had he sold the team last year.  Remember how exciting the short time period was?  

dont get me wrong, I still want him to sell this dumpster fire, but there were so many things aligned then that we won’t have now.  

the only “good” thing is Arte loses a ton of value without Shohei, the Japanese market and all that comes with it.  I’d like to think he won’t make as much now.  Asshat.  (Yeah I know it’ll still be a multi billion dollar profit, but Scrooge mcDuck’s mountain of gold should be smaller)

gotta find a little positive somewhere because this season has not only been gutting, depressing and potentially the worst of my lifetime as far as expectations vs loss.  But the future is absolutely bleak right now.  I can’t picture a good off-season like I used to.

I just want a new owner.  Won’t fix things over night, but I can’t imagine anything worse than wasting the two best players to come around in a generation… potentially ever.  Would a real training staff have kept Trout healthy?  Ohtani?  Who knows…  but we certainly look like a 3rd world walk in plastic surgery clinic this year


Edited by Biergott
Arte Sucks
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Arte asked $3.5B. He received offers at that amount on the same day. That prompted him to withdraw the team from market because he thought he could get more.

Not that it has ever been a mystery, but the guy could care less about the team; it's a pay day for him. 

And he has signed players that could care less about the team; it's a pay day for them.

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14 hours ago, Inside Pitch said:

I've said this before, I don't like repeating myself so I haven't but IMO one of the biggest malignancies on this team has been this insipid need to try to appease a player and the self induced stress to try to keep them in tow.  First it was Trout and the constant talk about having to do ___ ____ ____ to keep him, then it was Ohtani. Nothing against either guy, both are generational talents, but FFS ... its been like having nice wheels on a rusted out Chevy Vega.

The best thing this team could do for itself is simply focus on what will actually lead to winning and stop concerning itself with how so and so will react or if it will impact how someone views the team. Once Trout signed long term the mission should have been getting the rest of the pieces in place -- we know how it's gone, we didn't see any real effort to build a complete team until this season and despite their best efforts for a change it's gone comically bad.  Great, shit happens, now do it again you f%^&s

If I have ONE hope moving forward is that they just keep keep trying to what they did last winter and at the deadline.  Everyone will continue to talk about how "disastrous" the deadline was but nobody will give a shit if they simply keep at it and finally turn the corner.  Even getting back to .500 at this point would be a win.  

If they had put as much effort into building a whole team as they have trying to win certain players over they might not be in this mess.


First was Pujols!

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4 hours ago, Chico said:

It's $1500 for 15 minutes to hire a plane with a banner that says Sell the Team Arte. 15 minutes with media exposure should be all that is needed to get the message across buzzing Angel stadium.


We could fly it over his yacht. 

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16 minutes ago, Stradling said:

How hilarious will it be when the next owner lowers beer prices and talks about how it’s important to keep baseball affordable for families.  

It would be funnier if he raised beer prices and said professional sports should be a privilege for the elite.

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