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What was the worst season for you as an Angels fan?


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I've been a fan since 1979 and it's a very difficult decision. 1986 and 1995 were heartbreakers because of how the season ended, but those were still good years despite how they ended. 1980 was such a downer after getting to the playoffs the previous year. They had all those injuries. I think the same could be said about 2003. I'm going to say 1987. It was so disheartening after the Angels got so close in 1986 although it's easier to remember the more current years of futility.

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29 minutes ago, Torridd said:

I've been a fan since 1979 and it's a very difficult decision. 1986 and 1995 were heartbreakers because of how the season ended, but those were still good years despite how they ended. 1980 was such a downer after getting to the playoffs the previous year. They had all those injuries. I think the same could be said about 2003. I'm going to say 1987. It was so disheartening after the Angels got so close in 1986 although it's easier to remember the more current years of futility.

This one is the most disappointing for me. 

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Alot of disappointing seasons since I started watching the Angels as a kid.

Disappointing ending of the season I should say.

Not gonna rehash "04", "95", "86", or "79".

Most recently, for me, personally... 2008 pisses me off the worst.

It just does.!

The Angels lost to Fenway park. Not to the Red Sox.

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86 and none others are close for me.  Both prospectively and retrospectively.  For what happened at the time and the 15 years that followed.  Spanning my age of 14-29.  All of high school.  All of college.  All of med school.  It kinda sucked be an Angel fan.  And it was kicked off in 86 with sheer heartbreak when I knew just enough about baseball and pro sports to feel attached but didn't have that adult perspective.  

While disappointing, the last few years have been more frustrating.  This season in particular.  I'm tired of the injuries (not anyone's fault) and the poor management which doesn't need to happen.  I'm pretty analytical so I see a formula for how to make this work most of the time.  I also see a franchise with the resources to follow it with the ability to go beyond what others can do.  And I've been left scratching my head for the as to why they haven't.  I understand why it went the way it did from about 2015 to maybe about 2019 even but I honestly believed we would turn a corner this year before the last off season started.  That there was a real opportunity.  And now I've gotten to the point in the first time in my life where watching the games don't really bring me enjoyment.  I still care about the team and check the scores and follow the minors and pay attention to the moves and all that and I'll watch Ohtani highlights or get excited about rooting for some of the young players but I used to watch the games religiously.  Now - not so much. 

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2003 was a generally shitty season, in that we just kinda sucked following that WS. 2004 was rough just because we seemed so stacked and lost in the first round. But 95 was really the worst. That shit, even at 10 years old, freaking hurt. 2005 was also shitty just because that one call seemed to completely change the momentum in the White Sox series. I remember watching that game with a bunch of college buddies that didn’t really know baseball and explaining what a horseshit call that was.

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I guess you guys are just different from me because I will take all the heartbreak of '86 and '95 over the snooze fest that has been the last few years. Last year was easily the worst season in franchise history from my perspective. Disappointing team, boring games, never competitive, no excitement, just a real waste of time. In '95 I nearly cried, but hey, at least I felt something.

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1986 was an amazing season, so I can't say the end of the ALCS ruined the entire thing for me. 

I will say however the collapse of 1995 was by far the worst, so that gets my choice for the worst season ever. 

We were so good, then just completely collapsed. 

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3 hours ago, Angelsjunky said:

Dunno, but will say that I'm having a hard time holding interest now. I still watch (part of) an occasional game, check the box scores, stats, and this forum, but my interest has waned substantially.

Can't wait for Hot Stove Season!!!

If it includes a Scherzer signing and a Raisel re-signing, I'll be interested.

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