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Mike Trout's agent deserves a lot of credit


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Craig Landis is his name. A lot of people who aren't Angels fans have never heard of him, but the guy deserves credit. He has taken care of Trout with smart, and generous contracts twice now. This was done without the fanfare that Boras brings to the table. No 80 page binders being sent to Arte, and then leaked to the press. No public airing of the negotiations trying to get the public approval of a major extension.

Well done Mr. Landis!

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10 hours ago, NJHalo said:

Craig Landis is his name. A lot of people who aren't Angels fans have never heard of him, but the guy deserves credit. He has taken care of Trout with smart, and generous contracts twice now. This was done without the fanfare that Boras brings to the table. No 80 page binders being sent to Arte, and then leaked to the press. No public airing of the negotiations trying to get the public approval of a major extension.

Well done Mr. Landis!


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Landis is actually a really interesting dude. Former collegiate athlete, highly intelligent. Made his money before getting into being an agent. And at first, he did what any agent would do which is get high profile clients and represent them. But finally, he reached the point where he only wanted to represent one or two at a time, that's it.

After Trout was drafted, Landis was holding out for a higher signing bonus, but the Angels weren't exchanging figures fast enough and were still talking about numbers right around slot. Trout couldn't stand it anymore and was annoying the ever-loving crap out of his parents, just waiting for someone to tell him he could play baseball again.

So Landis does what Jeff Trout said, which is get him paid and get him on the field immediately. So Landis did, but he did so with a personal message to Arte Moreno, "you're paying less now, but someday, you're going to pay more." After Trout skyrockets through the minors and has a historic debut, the Angels still chose to keep Trout around the MLB minimum, and Landis spoke out about it, not because Trout was upset, but because he was upset. That kind of highlights the relationship there. Landis is a family friend, and isn't looking to set a precedent and doesn't care about talking to the media as much as he wants to look out for Mike. 

When they first started negotiating an extension, Trout relayed the same thing to him as his dad had said before, which is to get him paid and get him on the field. Trout accepted the deal and there wasn't a ton of drama in it. Set Mike up for life, and let him go play. This time around, when the Angels approached about an extension, Landis wasn't oppositional with Eppler at all. Eppler and Moreno knew Mike wouldn't sign anything before Machado or Harper, but I think everyone involved knew he was going to stick around. I can't say that for sure, but looking back, that seems to be the theme I'm seeing. 

In the end, Landis was right. The Angels spent less to bring in Trout, but would end up spending a lot more to keep him around. 

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16 hours ago, NJHalo said:

Craig Landis is his name. A lot of people who aren't Angels fans have never heard of him, but the guy deserves credit. He has taken care of Trout with smart, and generous contracts twice now. This was done without the fanfare that Boras brings to the table. No 80 page binders being sent to Arte, and then leaked to the press. No public airing of the negotiations trying to get the public approval of a major extension.

Well done Mr. Landis!

Actually.... Word is Landis sent Arte a copy of Boras' 80 page Harper binder and a note that read.... "This is a clown book, Bro".... 

Arte called him back right away...

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