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Computer to call balls and strikes in minor league


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So everyone here thinks that bias will suddenly disappear if we use computerized strike zone?  All we hear about all season long is east coast bias.  So do you think that it would be easier to sway an actual umpire to give certain teams an advantage or simply change the programming of the strike zone for specific teams?  Seems pretty obvious, if you believe these types of things, which I don’t.

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1 minute ago, Throwman91 said:

They can't deny real evidence, like for example shrinking Mookie's K zone relative to a player with a similar size/batting stance in the West.  I'd love to see it actually, would provide more than a few laughs.

They could absolutely deny it.  They deny it now and there is k zone.  It isn’t about cutting off half the strike zone, it is about an inch here or there on a pitch here or there.  

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10 hours ago, Stradling said:

They could absolutely deny it.  They deny it now and there is k zone.  It isn’t about cutting off half the strike zone, it is about an inch here or there on a pitch here or there.  

There will be records of each pitch. Plus, at least the bias can only be high or low in the zone. There is no movement to the zone inside and outside. 

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2 hours ago, eaterfan said:

There will be records of each pitch. Plus, at least the bias can only be high or low in the zone. There is no movement to the zone inside and outside. 

If they are going to institute a computer pitch zone.  They should make it all uniform.  No more knees sometimes above, sometimes below or waist or chest or wherever.  2 feet above the plate, 4 feet below.  All players equal, even if they are 4 foot tall or 7 feet tall.  

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15 hours ago, ten ocho recon scout said:

Everyone bitches that the games are too long already. Hows it going to be when we have delays to wait for the new login every time teams forget the password.

I can picture Joe West going through his spam folder trying to find the password rest email.


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