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Yo, White People

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I suppose those who define their identity based on their group are probably scuffling a little bit. While any of us can really only speak with any authority based on our own experiences, my personal network of minority men and women is rather vast, and it spreads across the country. They seem to be doing pretty well also. 

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22 minutes ago, Adam said:

I suppose those who define their identity based on their group are probably scuffling a little bit. While any of us can really only speak with any authority based on our own experiences, my personal network of minority men and women is rather vast, and it spreads across the country. They seem to be doing pretty well also. 


Stop ruining the narrative.



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29 minutes ago, Adam said:

I suppose those who define their identity based on their group are probably scuffling a little bit. While any of us can really only speak with any authority based on our own experiences, my personal network of minority men and women is rather vast, and it spreads across the country. They seem to be doing pretty well also. 


So everything must be ok then. Got it.

I didn't see any car accidents today, so none must have happened.

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28 minutes ago, Adam said:

I suppose those who define their identity based on their group are probably scuffling a little bit. While any of us can really only speak with any authority based on our own experiences, my personal network of minority men and women is rather vast, and it spreads across the country. They seem to be doing pretty well also. 

I'd guess this is the case for most but obviously the vocal minority are the ones that get the press because the media loves sensationalism .  Most people just want to live their lives and be left alone without others telling them what to do, how to think and what they should care about.        

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4 minutes ago, Catwhoshatinthehat said:

I'd guess this is the case for most but obviously the vocal minority are the ones that get the press because the media loves sensationalism .  Most people just want to live their lives and be left alone without others telling them what to do, how to think and what they should care about.        

Yup and I'm saying fuck the vocal minority. They don't really matter. White nationalists, antifa fucks... they don't care about creating a better life. They care about identity politics and hate. 

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It reminds me of the occupy wall street movement.  It started out grass roots with decent intentions but then it morphs into something else where others come along and use as a reason to riot, trash public property , steal and act like assholes in general.  In the end that just ends up pushing away middle of the road people who supported or at least weren't against them in the beginning.  

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1 hour ago, Glen said:


So everything must be ok then. Got it.

I didn't see any car accidents today, so none must have happened.

It is somewhat amazing how you can quote a post and make a comment without reading it. 

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