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2020 Election Thread

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Since it looks like Mike Pence is starting to gear up for a 2020 run, as well as some other Republicans...(but no really...he's not building a shadow campaign...it's just normal to hire a campaign chairman to be the VP chief of staff 200 days in...wink wink)...probably time to get a thread up about 2020.


WASHINGTON — Senators Tom Cotton and Ben Sasse have already been to Iowa this year, Gov. John Kasich is eyeing a return visit to New Hampshire, and Mike Pence’s schedule is so full of political events that Republicans joke that he is acting more like a second-term vice president hoping to clear the field than a No. 2 sworn in a little over six months ago.

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6 minutes ago, floplag said:

The smartest thing either party could do is find the next young gun ala Bill Clinton.  
The worst thing the Dems could do is even consider Waters/Harris, well second worst behind trying Clinton again. 
Both parties need new blood, badly


But interesting...Harris would be new blood. Why would it be the second worst thing they could do?

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4 minutes ago, red321 said:


But interesting...Harris would be new blood. Why would it be the second worst thing they could do?

If that is Calolfornia's own Kamala Harris.  All the opposition would have to play is the cluelessness of the Dems, where said clueless Dem asked during the potential CIA directors nomination hearing, what is his position on the environment.  Not only did she ask.  But kept pressing him when he didn't answer.

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29 minutes ago, red321 said:


But interesting...Harris would be new blood. Why would it be the second worst thing they could do?

shes basically a younger version of Waters with a side of Hillary, might even be more to the left than either of them.  
They need to get more moderate and out of the extremes to appeal to a wider audience. 

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45 minutes ago, floplag said:

The smartest thing either party could do is find the next young gun ala Bill Clinton.  
The worst thing the Dems could do is even consider Waters/Harris, well second worst behind trying Clinton again. 
Both parties need new blood, badly

Haha! The Dems view Harris as their young gun. Black female? It's a done deal

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Just now, Jason said:

Haha! The Dems view Harris as their young gun. Black female? It's a done deal

Yes they do, and she will lose just like Hillary did as she has ZERO appeal outside the 2 things you just said to anyone outside the extreme liberal left. 
If they want to get back in it they need to appeal to a wider audience and stop running niche candidates on the basis of nothing more than a niche 

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2 minutes ago, floplag said:

Yes they do, and she will lose just like Hillary did as she has ZERO appeal outside the 2 things you just said to anyone outside the extreme liberal left. 
If they want to get back in it they need to appeal to a wider audience and stop running niche candidates on the basis of nothing more than a niche 

The disaster known as California, which she was a big part of, should be enough ammo for any opponent 

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2 minutes ago, Jason said:

The disaster known as California, which she was a big part of, should be enough ammo for any opponent 

One would hope, but at this point i think the Dems could literally run a wildebeest in CA and win so...    then again it might be an upgrade so who knows 

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Kamala Harris who refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who ambushed and killed a cop, didn't enforce laws preventing sex offenders from living near schools and supports sanctuary cities?  If the dems want to screw up the 2020 election like they did the 2016 they'll nominate her and watch middle America again be completely turned off by the party.  Obviously you can find dirt on anyone if you look hard enough but the fact that she's a D from CA means her winning the needed battle ground states is almost impossible from the get go.

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15 minutes ago, Catwhoshatinthehat said:

Kamala Harris who refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who ambushed and killed a cop, didn't enforce laws preventing sex offenders from living near schools and supports sanctuary cities?  If the dems want to screw up the 2020 election like they did the 2016 they'll nominate her and watch middle America again be completely turned off by the party.  Obviously you can find dirt on anyone if you look hard enough but the fact that she's a D from CA means her winning the needed battle ground states is almost impossible from the get go.

This will win the Trumpers over

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44 minutes ago, Jason said:



i didnt mean the wildebeest thing literally :)  
Pelosi might be the absolute worst idea the Dems could have bar none though... i dint even think it was possible but somehow shes still in power... only shows how the Dems dont get it.  
Not that the Reps do mind you, im certainly not in that camp, but the Dems are literally clueless why they lost and what they need to do at this point. 

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8 minutes ago, mtangelsfan said:

You don't think she would be a good candidate?  At least she wouldn't be a hawk.


Oh, I don't know enough about her, just like I don't know enough about Harris or any other candidate at this point. 

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