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Far-too-early 2017 Preseason Top 25 from Athlon

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1. Alabama
2. Ohio State (Because Urban Meyer)
3. Florida State (This seems a little high)
4. Penn State (People reading too much into a bowl game, IMO)
5. Southern California (This seems a bit high to me)
6. Oklahoma
7. Washington
8. Clemson
9. Wisconsin
10. Michigan
11. Oklahoma State
12. LSU
13. Georgia
14. Auburn
15. Louisville
16. Florida
17. Tennessee
18. Kansas State
19. Stanford
20. Texas
21. Oregon (Another team ranked coming off a losing year - this one with a new staff)
22. South Florida (Maybe a little lofty for a team who just lost a coaching staff)
23. West Virginia
24. Notre Dame (What other team would be ranked preseason coming off a 4-8 season?
25. Miami (FL)

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They were 4-8 a year ago, and probably the only reason that Brian Kelly survived was the length of his contract and the size of the buyout had they fired him. Now they're top 25?

I remember one year when Notre Dame was heavily favored over Army. They won by one point, because the Cadets missed a two-point conversion that would have won the game. ND moved up in the rankings the following Monday.

To be honest, I see the same thing regarding USC, although not to the same degree. They have a lot more justification for a national ranking - just not top five.

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