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Rod Carew Back On His Feet


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Carew is out on the road after a near death heart complication. A heart attack at Creste Verde Golf Course back in October that landed him in the hospital for 45 days nearly took his life, twice, left him with what he calls a Bionic Heart.


The doctors labeled what he had The Widow Maker, a heart failure so catastrophic that few if any survive. The effects withered his health away, losing 32 pounds on an already slim frame and incapacitating a very active man.


With the help of doctors and his wife he describes a drill instructor, Rod is up and walking two miles at a time and feeling well enough to not only be seen in public, but heard. He attended Twins Fanfest and was a guest speaker and just like when his daughter was stricken with leukemia he became a spokesman and fundraiser, Rod has vowed to raise awareness for The American Heart Association.


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