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Orange County Register: Angels add Chris Gwynn to list of GM candidates


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Yeah, gotbeer...

Make Mike the GM (this time give him the corner office, name on the door, business cards and everything)

and bring back T-Reg as "Special Assistant".

Just like old times.


Does that mean we get to draft another Trout again?   I like it.  Bring back Bane.

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A team that has finished as poorly as they have for so many seasons should be stocked with ML ready players.

Maybe that is why Gwynn is looking around for another job?


Not sure how the M's run their organization, but I thought Gwynn was acting as their head of player development guy.  So if they run it like the Angels used to, he wasn't so much involved with player acquisition as he was in the hiring and assigning of coaches and roving instructors.  He hasn't been there very long, I think his first year was 2012.  But, it's not a name I really want to see associated with the Angels.  One of the bigger criticisms of Jack Z's tenure with the M's is how many of their prospects have failed to develop/reach their potential.

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