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Scioscia's managing tonight

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I think Scioscia did ok -- only thing I would change is that Hamilton would NOT have been on post-season roster........


offense was doing OK without him and I would have given him at least another series to 'recover' and re-evaluate IF and WHEN the ALCS roster decisions needed to be made.


I agree with Sheffield's comments on the TBS post game show calling out Hamilton.


Sheffield calling out a player for dogging it, lacking interest -- now that's LOL!!

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yeah, I also had issues with the 3-1 count, Calhoun bunt deal -- didn't make sense to me -- but then any player, from little league to MLB -- it never makes sense to me when a ballplayer can't get a bunt down.......


you either get the bunt down or walk because the pitcher gives up pitches up when he sees you squaring to bunt (which is something else, should always WAIT to square up and WAIT until the pitcher delivers the pitch........

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This game is on the hitters tonight. I disagree with the Calhoun bunt decision. I also understood the decision to pinch run for Freese in a tie game when he got on base to lead off the inning. Oh and once it was decided to put Hamilton in the line up he was there to stay, no other manager in baseball would have hit for him. The issue is the entire team took a collective shit at the plate. I would have zero problem playing Cowgill over Josh tomorrow, but I'm guessing that won't happen.

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This game is on the hitters tonight. I disagree with the Calhoun bunt decision. I also understood the decision to pinch run for Freese in a tie game when he got on base to lead off the inning. Oh and once it was decided to put Hamilton in the line up he was there to stay, no other manager in baseball would have hit for him. The issue is the entire team took a collective shit at the plate. I would have zero problem playing Cowgill over Josh tomorrow, but I'm guessing that won't happen.

You know ever Reggie was pinch hit for .

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