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TJ Simers Leaves OC Register

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Simers is voluntarily leaving the Register in anticipation of 100-350 newsroom buyouts or layoffs. The last great hope of print has apparently not succeeded.

The reality that consumers are getting their news in different ways, and which are not nearly as profitable for news distributors, has profoundly altered some of the more notable institutions in America.

The big question remains... Would this community ever accept Simers as a guest columnist?

Edited by YouthofToday
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Adapt or die



As with anything.



Not trying to pick a fight, or an argument here, and it isn't just Brandon, but I am surprised by the tone of contempt or disdain that many posters here have for newspapers.


Hey, they don't have to be everybody's thing.  But please just remember, we have very few, if any, government watch dogs. 


The Bell scandal was brought to light by the LA Times.  That complete boondoggle of a school district - Centinela Valley, in Hawthorne area - was uncovered by the Daily Breeze.  Now the FBI is involved in that one.


Stomp on the graves of newspapers, and do it with glee, if you like.  But they serve a real purpose that nobody else is doing.

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The big question remains... Would this community ever accept Simers as a guest columnist?

I can't speak for the ownership but no, I would not wish to have anything to do with Simers. He has a reputation and resume that would not fit with what we are trying to accomplish.
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Not trying to pick a fight, or an argument here, and it isn't just Brandon, but I am surprised by the tone of contempt or disdain that many posters here have for newspapers.


Hey, they don't have to be everybody's thing.  But please just remember, we have very few, if any, government watch dogs. 


The Bell scandal was brought to light by the LA Times.  That complete boondoggle of a school district - Centinela Valley, in Hawthorne area - was uncovered by the Daily Breeze.  Now the FBI is involved in that one.


Stomp on the graves of newspapers, and do it with glee, if you like.  But they serve a real purpose that nobody else is doing.


I actually didn't have any meaning or agenda with my post, just posted a fact. I'm one of the few that I know that still reads an actual newspaper every now and then opposed to reading some early 20's biased kids blog or Twitter feed that more interested in TMZ type journalism.


The decline has been happening for many years now and it sucks, but it's a reality that people need to accept.


We could have been talking about the music industry and I still would have posted adapt or die. Not my choice, just a hard reality.

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Not trying to pick a fight, or an argument here, and it isn't just Brandon, but I am surprised by the tone of contempt or disdain that many posters here have for newspapers.


Hey, they don't have to be everybody's thing.  But please just remember, we have very few, if any, government watch dogs. 


The Bell scandal was brought to light by the LA Times.  That complete boondoggle of a school district - Centinela Valley, in Hawthorne area - was uncovered by the Daily Breeze.  Now the FBI is involved in that one.


Stomp on the graves of newspapers, and do it with glee, if you like.  But they serve a real purpose that nobody else is doing.


Real journalism is integral for our society however selling ads in newspapers or placing ads online are, for the most part, a losing business model. Music had to painfully adapt and so does every other business. It's very difficult for some. That's how it works today. It sucks that a profit has to be made in journalism weather it be online or offline because it has watered down the profession's quality and integrity...of what's left of it. The world of journalism has changed but the old school players have not adapted.

Edited by CF8
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I canceled my subscription to OC Register years ago, right about the time I got my first smartphone.  It's sad but journalism is so watered down now with untold "staff writers" who really are nothing more than kids at home in their pajamas.

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I miss good newspapers and good writing. It's really hard to find a decent news source on the internet now, with the current low level of "journalism". Articles are poorly written to the point that sometimes they make no sense, even after re-reading them.

Proofreading is obviously a thing of the past.

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I miss good newspapers and good writing. It's really hard to find a decent news source on the internet now, with the current low level of "journalism". Articles are poorly written to the point that sometimes they make no sense, even after re-reading them.

Proofreading is obviously a thing of the past.


Who needs proofreading when you have spill check?

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I believe many newspapers have displayed an arrogance in editorials and coverage for a number of years. The Angels were regularly shorted on coverage and minimized by the L.A Times in favor of the Dodgers for many years. The Times also forgot that many of its readers were conservative and regularly sermonized as to how its readers should think. I simply stopped buying the times as it no longer covered what I was interested in. For me it had nothing to do with the internet or smartphones. The Times left me before I left it. The Times also kept its daily price artificially low in Orange County to try to destroy the Register. I believe the Times has no one to blame but themselves.

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