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I just officially cut the cord. Good riddance, AT&T!

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I know this could prob. go into the Tech Forum, but it's such a far reaching topic which effects pretty much everyone here.  So, I thought I'd put it on the hangout.


Several months ago, I killed my DirecTv subscription.  I didn't enjoy paying almost $80/month to watch about 4 or 5 channels.  I was really only keeping it because I used to enjoy watching Angel games.  After last season's play (towards the end of the season, really), I asked myself if it was really worth paying all that money for lackluster baseball and Breaking Bad.


The answer was a definitive 'no.' Though, it wasn't easy waiting a couple days to watch Breaking Bad.  I explored a smart blu ray player and other devices before landing on Apple TV.  I felt immediate relief.  Way fewer ads, which have increased in amount and annoyance on tv, and I found myself making better use of my time.  Gone are the days of turning on the tv by reflex upon entering the living room or going to bed at night.


I have sort of rediscovered music and other creative outlets.


You all are going to laugh at me, I know, but I had the slowest AT&T dsl service because I just couldn't stomach paying the company any more money for what would have been marginally better speeds at higher prices.  And the bastards use an infrastructure essentially implemented and paid for by the taxpayer years ago.  Even with the crappy speed, my streaming was fine.  Not always perfect, but fine.  Plus I got the added piece of mind of not giving in to AT&T's shell game (not totally, anyways).


The main problem was how to watch Angel games.  Of course, MLB, because of its massive tv contracts, blacks out local programming when you buy the MLB.tv package. 


But thanks to my tech homie, we found a quick workaround.  And it works great!


We were discussing options last week about what the cheapest way was to get rid of my AT&T (just typing the name makes me wanna puke!).  A while back, my friend purchased three Clear hotspot wireless components and his service is grandfathered in, so its not throttled by new owner Sprint. 


Originally, he purchased the three hotspots for himself and two workmates, with all of them sharing the monthly bill.  Well, they've all since been laid-off and so my friend is left footing the entire monthly cost.


We tested a hotspot around my house and found a good place for it.  We compared it to AT&T's speeds, and with the VPN I use, I am actually getting faster speeds.


So, today, I called up AT&T and told them "F YOU AND GOODBYE."  (Actually, that is what I said in my mind while on the phone.  The lady on the other end was very nice and just doing her job so I was not going to take my glee out on her.)


It was a fun call to make:  AT&T LADY:  "Hold on a second.  I'm just waiting for your account to come up on my screen.  It will only take a moment."


ME:  You must be using AT&T dsl.


Long pause.


AT&T LADY:  Okay...I have your account up now.


She did not think it was as funny/ironic as me.


To keep my business, she offered Cable TV AND Internets for the low low price of...$85/month for one year.  I literally laughed at her.  "You're joking right?" I asked.


After telling her I was extremely happy with my AppleTV and just needed internets, she got back on her lil' keyboard, told me I had the lowest speed (I know!  I'm not paying you any more money for a faster speed.  I know AT&T's nefarious marketing schemes!!!), and that I could keep my crappy speed for the low low price of...$30/month for one year.


Well, I was paying the crazy price of $46/month after the $20/month/for one year get-you-by-the-balls sign-up offfer.  Then it went up to $41.  Then to the current $46.


I told the lady I should've called months ago to cancel to get it down to $30, and I was pretty offended that AT&T wouldn't offer this previously and that it took a cancellation call to get the offer.  I caught myself and told her I appreciated that she's just doing her job.


The lady concluded with saying something like, "Thank you for using AT&T."  I wanted to say, "You're missing the point!  I'm not using f'ing AT&T."


But I hung up before it could fly out of my mouth.


So, my Angel brothers, I challenge you all to consider cutting the cord and getting creative with your internets.  I realize I am in a unique position and can tolerate slower speeds/service as I live alone.  But what joy it is to go semi-off the grid.  There is a way.  There is a light.  There is a world without AT&T.

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Lifetime (the channel, not the board member) was just added to AppleTV.  I checked it out last week.  I know I'm not the demo, but Judas H. Priest!  There is not one show on there I was am interested in.  It was confirmation of my decision to cut the cord. 


As for streaming content, I don't pay for anything.  I have friends who have given me their passwords, etc. for HuluPlus, Netflix, HBO.  And PBS is free.  I Even if I did pay for HuluPlus and Netflix, the cost would be low enough to rationalize my killing of directv.  There is a ton of stuff on either.

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Congrats, glad it went well! I pulled the cord 3 years ago, will never go back. Internet plus Netflix and I'm good.

Another aspect I did with it was to rip my DVDs with Handbrake, save to an external hard drive, and stream said HD thru Apple TV. Now kids can't make a mess of my old DVD collection.

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This isn't meant to criticize, it's just something we were talking about with a few people the other day and I was wondering what other people thought.


As for streaming content, I don't pay for anything.  I have friends who have given me their passwords, etc. for HuluPlus, Netflix, HBO. 


Personally I am uncomfortable with this. As a part-time photographer I regularly find people utilizing my creative works without compensation in violation of the copyright, or asking me to use my works without compensation. It might be a small business owner, or it might be an international airlines, but in either instance I find the need to protect my copyright, or insist that if they do want access to my work they need to compensate me for it. My usual response is "I can't eat...'exposure'". They wouldn't expect to work for me for me, so why should they expect me to work for them for free?


I get a little uncomfortable with the idea of sharing passwords, pirated musics/movies, etc. Yes, for the most part it's a large international conglomerate who won't notice. And yes, most of them probably have incredibly predatory deals that screw the originators of the content out the appropriate royalties...but a lot of that content was created by someone probably like me to some extent. A "struggling artist" sitting at their desk just hoping that small check comes through. (And yes, I am much "luckier" than others in that this is not my full-time gig and I have a full-time office job that actually pays my bills).



Ah, well, maybe it's just me. I know my wife doesn't agree with me either...but part of me wonders do others feel guilty about stuff like that.

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I am not sure if this belongs here, but I finally cut the landline this morning.  I wore my wife down.


Our two year contract ends w Verizon (the triple play) and I could not get the price lower, in fact w my promotions expiring, it was going up $15.


Back to Direct tv, where I was for 15 years.  And shitcanning the landline on the way out.

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This isn't meant to criticize, it's just something we were talking about with a few people the other day and I was wondering what other people thought.


As for streaming content, I don't pay for anything.  I have friends who have given me their passwords, etc. for HuluPlus, Netflix, HBO. 


Personally I am uncomfortable with this. As a part-time photographer I regularly find people utilizing my creative works without compensation in violation of the copyright, or asking me to use my works without compensation. It might be a small business owner, or it might be an international airlines, but in either instance I find the need to protect my copyright, or insist that if they do want access to my work they need to compensate me for it. My usual response is "I can't eat...'exposure'". They wouldn't expect to work for me for me, so why should they expect me to work for them for free?


I get a little uncomfortable with the idea of sharing passwords, pirated musics/movies, etc. Yes, for the most part it's a large international conglomerate who won't notice. And yes, most of them probably have incredibly predatory deals that screw the originators of the content out the appropriate royalties...but a lot of that content was created by someone probably like me to some extent. A "struggling artist" sitting at their desk just hoping that small check comes through. (And yes, I am much "luckier" than others in that this is not my full-time gig and I have a full-time office job that actually pays my bills).



Ah, well, maybe it's just me. I know my wife doesn't agree with me either...but part of me wonders do others feel guilty about stuff like that.


I go back and forth. Both of my computers are company owned and equipped with gnar security so I don't mess with the torrent sites. My desktop, which I did use for downloading crapped out a few months ago. 


I lost about 400 CDs or so years ago and downloaded nearly all of them. Didn't feel bad about that. Anything I would buy, I do buy. Anything I wouldn't buy, I will download. Do I think it is right? Not really, but I don't lose sleep over it. 


Photographs and struggling bands... I won't steal under any circumstance. 


When I'm traveling I will use friends' passwords for mlbtv, and other streaming services. 

Edited by Adam
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I created digital copies of all my purchased CDs as well, figured I had already bought them and was just creating an alternate mechanism for listening to them and I think that is legal anyways. Hell the cloud sites from Apple and Amazon let you upload your own ripped versions so I imagine that isn't an issue. With the advent of streaming services, and youtube, for music that is really a non issue. You can pretty much just select what you want and stream it. If I like the song enough where I want to be able to take it with me (because I have AT&T and it sucks and we tend to vacation in places without any sort of internet service), I go ahead and buy it.


For the streaming services...that is what I struggle with. I don't hesitate to give my password to family...but I don't know if I would ask for it from them. I won't download movies from torrent, but I don't get worked up about watching a movie the wife gets from the brother in law who does it...I guess that's pretty inconsistent on my part.

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I don't feel guilty and used to be one of those artists in the music community. I applaud the stance of standing up for the artist side, but while I think most are trying to save a buck, I know my guilt free nature is associated with the institutions and their monopolies (people in certain areas can only receive certain carriers), collusion (an example is in the 90's where a class action lawsuit went against records labels for creating a colluded price point of albums), and the consistent gouging and greed.


I also think people taking a stand is also what has finally created change within various media mediums....now someone like our household can pay for Spotify and get unlimted access, same with companies like Netflix. The whole mantra of protecting the artist seems to be propaganda by the affected institutions to save their dying business model.


I'm not a serial downloader (I can't can't even remember the last thing I downloaded or streamed....probably tv shows a year ago), but I don't lose sleep sharing a password to Spotify or our HBO Go, etc.


Although, my perspectives greatly changed from being the artist and quickly seeing how the music industry works. ironically, whether people are downloading or streaming the artists are always going to get screwed. 

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I couldn't care less about the artists. But I would never take property that isn't mine. I wouldn't stop others, though. I guess I'm with red. I have given out my Netflix and HuluPlus info to others but I can't envision using someone else's. I'd rather just pay the fee. Just because there is gouging and collusion doesn't give me the right to take it. Businesses should have the right to set their pricing where ever they want and the market will react to it. I will note that some of that reaction will inevitably be piracy and black markets. So I don't scoff at people who go that route. But I don't.

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I don't necessarily disagree Brandon, as least how it relates to the big conglomerates, their gouging and greed and how very little of the dollars actually reach the artist. I will absolutely buy directly from a band/author if it's at all possible. It's why I have taken a good portion of my photos off of the Getty Images site and will allow my agreement with them to term shortly. They absolutely screw the photographer with their licensing...and have started giving away work for pennies on the dollar, and in some cases for free - lo and behold the fine print to the agreement I signed years ago gives them that right. They've created new licensing categories for large customers, which completely **** the photographer. A photo I allowed them to license should have gone for thousands of dollars...and I ended up receiving $60 because the publishing house that bought it was a special category of customer and allowed to download any image, rights managed included, for just ridiculously low rates. Getty gets the subscription fee, and 80% of the license fee. I get 20% and not even the courtesy of some lube.


But it does come back to...how does the artist end up getting paid. And if we don't go through a place like getty, or a musician doesn't hook up with one of the labels...how did they get seen and promoted? At some point is the $60 better than nothing? Is the pennies on a dollar a band gets better than nothing if a subscription is shared among 20 people? 


Sorry, I think I thread jacked Downing's post.

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I couldn't care less about the artists. But I would never take property that isn't mine. I wouldn't stop others, though. I guess I'm with red. I have given out my Netflix and HuluPlus info to others but I can't envision using someone else's. I'd rather just pay the fee. Just because there is gouging and collusion doesn't give me the right to take it. Businesses should have the right to set their pricing where ever they want and the market will react to it. I will note that some of that reaction will inevitably be piracy and black markets. So I don't scoff at people who go that route. But I don't.


I don't find what they are doing to be right either and call it a wash.

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I don't necessarily disagree Brandon, as least how it relates to the big conglomerates, their gouging and greed and how very little of the dollars actually reach the artist. I will absolutely buy directly from a band/author if it's at all possible. It's why I have taken a good portion of my photos off of the Getty Images site and will allow my agreement with them to term shortly. They absolutely screw the photographer with their licensing...and have started giving away work for pennies on the dollar, and in some cases for free - lo and behold the fine print to the agreement I signed years ago gives them that right. They've created new licensing categories for large customers, which completely **** the photographer. A photo I allowed them to license should have gone for thousands of dollars...and I ended up receiving $60 because the publishing house that bought it was a special category of customer and allowed to download any image, rights managed included, for just ridiculously low rates. Getty gets the subscription fee, and 80% of the license fee. I get 20% and not even the courtesy of some lube.


But it does come back to...how does the artist end up getting paid. And if we don't go through a place like getty, or a musician doesn't hook up with one of the labels...how did they get seen and promoted? At some point is the $60 better than nothing? Is the pennies on a dollar a band gets better than nothing if a subscription is shared among 20 people? 


Sorry, I think I thread jacked Downing's post.


Totally. I wish stories like yours were more the focal point than we are taking food off the their tables.


I think bands, artists, etc. need to alter their business model like others have already done. The media climate has been changing and some are trying to hold onto an old business model that is going extinct. At the same time, with all the tech access and innovations the money is just not there, nor do i even think there is actual art anymore. The real artists are going to be there and do it just to get something out without financial considerations, but a majority of "art" is so manufactured and engineered that whole arts field is some packaged corporate bullshit.

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When I lived in Jersey, I lived in the specific part of an area that only offered comcast.

Either I go without internet or get comcast...



but yea using a VPN is a great workaround for MLB.tv. HBO is coming to amazon prime.

So right now I have MLB.tv, amazon prime(for the free shipping too) and netflix. Probably comes out to around 30 bucks a month.

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Some of HBO is coming to Amazon Prime, I think it's series that have been over for a few years and some new shows, but episodes that are 3 years old


HBO has so much great content though. No big deal if you have to wait a few years imo. 


I've never really watched The Wire, so it's worth it just for that series alone in my book.

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I understand what you're saying Red.  I don't think sharing a netflix password or even HBO password is unethical or illegal.  Someone is paying for it.  In this case, my friend.  I actually gave it some thought before I went off the grid.  I'm sure my innerself tweaked the argument slightly to the side of 'no harm done,' but ultimately, the content is being paid for.


I don't rip any torrents or anything of this nature. 


Side note:  the creators and writers of this stuff don't see much in the way of royalties in streaming.  It's a big issue especially with the Writers Guild, which took it in the arse in the last agreement, allowing bigger producers (ie Warner Bros.) to pay a pitance.  And don't even get me started on the creative accounting the studios -- esp. WB -- does to hide money from those who have created and written what we watch every day.  That's why shows like "Supernatural" are still on the air, despite their meek domestic ratings.  These shows sell overseas and the agreements are such that WB pretty much keeps all that foreign sales money.  The writers and producers get screwed.  Sadly, the studios are in turn ripping off the very people who should be getting paid for the creativity shown on the screen, but they won't see much -- if any money from that.


Finally, I've had so much content ripped off from the studios, I should really go out of my way to stick it to them and download the entire WB catalogue for free and hand it out like candy.  But I don't.  I know I should 'see them in court' but that's a fool's errand if ever their was one.  WB -- and the other studios -- are notorious for monetarily outlasting any plaintiff.  The creators and writers of the content you watch all the time are being f'd over royally by the studio system.  I'm not going to be a hero and not use a shared password. 

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