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Angels humiliating stumble into MLB record book


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I have seen much worse plays than this. If the title hadn't said 3 errors, I would have thought there were only 2. Oh, Mike Grady of the NY Giants had 4 errors on one play. Last I checked, 4>3. Yahoo is just looking to create something to get ad clicks.

Was that in a game against the Cleveland Spiders or the Pittsburgh Potato Bugs?
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The only correct decision and action during that entire fiasco was Conger deciding to hold onto the ball after it had traveled nearly 500 feet round trip from his glove in the first place.


I've seen bad baseball by the Angels over the years, Lord knows I have, and what took place in Detroit on the field in that stadium yesterday ought to have been so embarrassing for the Angels that even simply walking off the field and forfeiting the game in unprecedented fashion would have been less embarrassing.


Heck, even this is less embarrassing than what took place on the field yesterday for crying out loud despite the fact that it ended up being the same number of errors. At least it was only one player that melted down, not 1/2 the freakin' team.



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