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Santiago's first start for us tonight


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I think it will be more up to the offense.  

The offense is acceptable at the moment, but it's up to the bullpen to hold leads--pitching wins games. 

Edited by failos
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Smith and Frieri need to pitch tonight, ahead or behind, so that should help.

Yeah, that's long overdue.


I would have liked a Berg-Smith-Frieri combo this season.

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Yeah, that's long overdue.


I would have liked a Berg-Smith-Frieri combo this season.

You will probably see that, and Lyons too if he is still around.

They can't go with Jepsen, and I think they know it. I expect him to be waived any time, maybe today, since Dipoto is shopping the wire.

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You will probably see that, and Lyons too if he is still around.

They can't go with Jepsen, and I think they know it. I expect him to be waived any time, maybe today, since Dipoto is shopping the wire.

I doubt it, didn't they just avoid arbitration with Jepsen (agreeing to $1.5M)? I never understood that move. 

Edited by failos
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I doubt it, didn't they just avoid arbitration with Jepsen (agreeing to $1.5M)? I never understood that move. 

I guess Butchy was convinced that after 13 years, he was about to turn some corner?

He had to be consulted on a decision like that. Scioscia too. It couldn't have resulted from Dipoto crunching his numbers.

Gotta think Butchy is on the hot seat from day 1 this year.

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I guess Butchy was convinced that after 13 years, he was about to turn some corner?

He had to be consulted on a decision like that. Scioscia too. It couldn't have resulted from Dipoto crunching his numbers.

Gotta think Butchy is on the hot seat from day 1 this year.

I am sure that most MLB teams have their pitching coaches decide who is and who isn't on the roster.

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I am sure that most MLB teams have their pitching coaches decide who is and who isn't on the roster.

If you don't think they have serious input on it, especially pitching coaches dealing with marginal arms, you're very wrong.

And Strad, if all you can come up with are snide remarks EVERY TIME you post to me, I wish you would just quit posting things in my direction. Stalk someone else. I'm sick of it. If I post something against the rules, then ban me. Until then, back off.


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You thinking that Butcher is the reason that Jepsen is on the team is ridiculous. It really is a case of you assigning blame to the wrong person, which constantly happens on here and you talk about it as fact, when in reality it is your justification of wanting to get rid of someone.

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