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A little concerned about Freese

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I'm mildly concerned about Freese, but he seems like the kind of player who doesn't really focus until the lights are turned on. Look at his past ST numbers, they're not very good.


I'm actually more concerned about Ibanez.  After his 2nd half swoon last year, and the way he's looked in ST, there's a possibility he really is just done.

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The Angels should try to pickup Juan Francisco.   The Brewers are supposedly going to go with Overbay and Reynolds at 1st base, so Francisco will be released.


He would be a good backup at 3B, left handed power bat off the bench, and possible backup at 1B if Pujols gets hurt.



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I wouldn't worry about it. 


He's going to hit 20-25 HR if healthy by season end. 


I think he's an upgrade over what we've had, but I'm not sure he can necessarily be counted on to hit 20-25 HR, even if healthy.  In his only full season to date, he topped out at 20.  If you combine his partial seasons in the majors in 2010-2011, he played in 167 games and only hit 14 HR.  In the minors, he only hit over 20 once. 


Again, definitely an upgrade, and not complaining about him: just saying that I don't know that we can expect a lot of power from him.

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I didn't like the trade like many others but Freese should be solid. His defense is going to be tough to watch but he'll hit above league average and provide a really nice OBP. He's never really hit for a ton of power so I'd expect around 15-20 HR or so. 


All in all, we'll probably get a 2-2.5 WAR season out of him which is a big improvement over last year. 

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Figgy was pretty good at third, he just couldn't hit under any pressure.

His post seasons were legendary bad.

Freese at least, might not look like a deer in headlights if he gets back to the post season while here.


Oh God are we really hearing that tired rehash of Freese' 2011 world series? 


I will be very happy if Freese is not nearly as good as Figgins was but better than Callaspo...

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