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Weird phobias


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We're all friends here so I thought this would be a good place to share our phobias without being put to shame.  I'll start.


I'm somewhat phobic about hugging skinny women.  My mother was toothpick thin in the years before I was born.  One day my dad gave her a bear hug and managed to break a few of her ribs.  I remember hearing this story as a kid and thinking oh crap, I better be careful about hugging the skinny girls at school.  All these years later, even though I don't think twice about hugging a woman, I still hug skinny women differently. 


Your turn.

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I am terrified of snakes. When I cook I wash my hands multiple times eve when touching the same things.....I don't like to eat with my hands, so I think it's more of a hands OCD thing as I cringe at the thought of dry or dirty hands. When I turn the volume up or down on my tv it needs to be on an even or round number. When I eat a plate full of food I eat one section at a time and don't mix anything but beans and rice on occassion. I can't wear the same pair of socks multiple times.

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"A phobia is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a type of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often being recognized as irrational."


I believe you are assuming all phobias are scared to death situations.

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I am afraid of possums, it is the dumbest thing ever, but I just am. One night I came home from work around 2am, I see what looks like a possum crossing my lawn going towards the front door. I actually backed out of my drive way and focused the headlights on the front door to make sure it was not there and it wasn't. I also remember a night where I am sitting in a chair out by my jacuzzi. My wife is in the jacuzzi and says, don't panic, but there is a possum on the wall behind you. I took one giant step, dove, cleared the jacuzzi and landed in the pool.

I live in Chino where we have a lot of weird things come into our back yard, bunnies, cats, small dogs, chickens, a raccoon once, and even the neighbors goat. All of these things have ended up dead because I have a couple of bigger dogs. I truly hate going out back with a shovel and getting rid of these things, but if it happens to be a possum, I make sure the dogs know I am proud of them. Oh, one more weird possum story that happened a few months back. I see what appears to be a dead possum on in my backyard on the side yard. I go and take a picture of it to send it to my girl friend, because that is always fun to do. About 15 minutes after taking the picture I go back out there and the possum is gone. I searched the entire back yard, it was gone. Apparently it wasn't dead it was just playing possum. So year, that is my little phobia, as silly as it sounds.

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If you experience any sort of anxiety, then yes.


I'm guessing you never stayed the night at a friends house, went camping, or under packed on a trip. The context was something like drinking too much and sleeping at a friends place. I won't wear the socks I wore the night before home. I don't put on used socks.

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Idk if its a phobia or not, but I can't stand being in a motorized vehicle (car, motorcycle, plane, boat, Etc.) if I'm not controlling it. I can't stand being a passenger. I always feel the need to be in control and if I'm dying, its going to be from my own doing and not someone else's. 

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Idk if its a phobia or not, but I can't stand being in a motorized vehicle (car, motorcycle, plane, boat, Etc.) if I'm not controlling it. I can't stand being a passenger. I always feel the need to be in control and if I'm dying, its going to be from my own doing and not someone else's.

Totally agree. I cannot fall asleep in a car unless I am driving it.

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I try to avoid a certain freeway when driving my wife's car. The expansion joints are pronounced enough that it causes that ping from the tires that drive me crazy. It's the same ping from over inflated basketballs and giant red rubber playground balls.

Edited by AngelArcher
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I have agoraphobia in that I'm afraid of big, open spaces (and ceilings) as well as being too far away from home. It's more or less connected to having a panic disorder and being afraid of losing control and having nowhere to go. Kinda weird and I can't explain how or why I got that way.

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