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Under the Halo - TV show before the Angels games


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Some interesting stuff on there (and it's good to hear Dick Enberg's voice talking about the Angels again).  Didn't realize Reggie Jackson's contract included a bonus of $0.50 for every ticket sold above 2.4 million.  The Angels had 2.8 million plus his first season, which means Reggie got an extra $200K that year.  Not bad in 1982 dollars.

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Some interesting stuff on there (and it's good to hear Dick Enberg's voice talking about the Angels again).  Didn't realize Reggie Jackson's contract included a bonus of $0.50 for every ticket sold above 2.4 million.  The Angels had 2.8 million plus his first season, which means Reggie got an extra $200K that year.  Not bad in 1982 dollars.

I heard stories about fans flicking quarters at him while on the field, and mocking him for his "greed". He wasn't the nicest guy when it came to fan relations apparently.

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Reggie is a total and unmitigated a-hole. I remember when I was little my younger brother, age 5 or so, was a big Reggie fan and waited for him to sign something on kids appreciation day on the field (or whatever it was called).

The Douche showed up late and sits down... My brother approaches him for an autograph, which was the point of the event that was on the field, and Reggie tells my bro to go f#%* himself. True story.

Reggie is a terrible human being. Nobody can convince me otherwise.

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I have my Reggie story too.  Went to my first Angels game in 82, got to the stadium early and I was so excited.  Me and my friend saw Reggie Jackson getting out of his car so we jogged over to get his autograph.  When he saw the two of us coming he went back to his car and grabbed some stuff from his trunk.  He looked at us and said "sorry, hands are full, can't sign autographs" and walked away.  Yeah, he was something of a dick.


That said, I still appreciate a good business deal like the one he made (although that might have been more his agent than him).

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Kinda quick to label somebody an asshole, based only on his public persona... Yes, He was not very fan-friendly almost all of the time.  Put your self in these "stars" shoes; sure they chose the limelight, but it doesn't make it easier to handle.  Back when I was in HS, Reggie had a condo in the same complex as a friend of mine.  We would see him from time to time and he usually kept to himself, running from his car to the house.  He did, however, stop to chat a couple of times when he was in the right frame of mind (off-season), and knew we weren't autograph hounds.


Erstad never signed for me (in the few times I've even tried to get autographs), but he's still my favorite player.  I don't judge him to be an a**h*** because of it, since I've never met him outside of baseball when he has his guard up. 

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I encountered Reggie twice.   First time was at the 89 all star game.   He wasn't playing but was there, because he's reggie and a Newport Beach guy.   I walked up to him and he signed my ball for me.   He signed a bunch of other stuff.   Maybe this was mellow, non playing Reggie.


About 10 years ago I had just finished a round at Newport Beach CC, and he walked up to the area where you check in, and asked me if I wanted to play a round with him.   He couldn't have been cooler.   He was looking to play for money, and I figure even at $20 a hole, losing $360 to say I played a round with Reggie and lost $360 to him would be cool.   However, I was in the Newport regatta, and there was an awards dinner.   My father in law would have shot me if I would have missed the awards banquet (we won father and son competition over John Ireland and his father.)    The whole night I sat there bummed thinking I could have been finishing up 18 with Reg.   


YOT, I know that kind of experience.  Magic Johnson did that same thing to me at the Tonight Show backstage.   I was the only NBC person there, and it would have taken him 10 seconds to sign the basketball I had in my office.   He was a dick.    Everyone loves Magic, and I think he's the biggest asshole on the planet.    I totally get you hating Reggie.    I imagine when it comes down to it, most celebs/sports stars have either earned eternal adoration or hate because of an encounter.

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