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LA Times: Angels' decline tends to startle

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Don't know about spokes in a wheel but watching this team this seasom reminds me of the time I was riding my bike when I was 9. I was pedaling up a steep hill in a standing position when my chain broke. I came crashing down on the crossbar and I won't get into details but if you're a dude and an Angels' fan, you know the feeling.

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I'm more impressed when people do watch games still.

Why?  Lots of people watch for the love of the game, and the fact that they have a team to follow through thick and thin regardless of the final outcome.  There is more to baseball than winning or losing, the unpredictability of the future is always interesting.

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Why? Lots of people watch for the love of the game, and the fact that they have a team to follow through thick and thin regardless of the final outcome. There is more to baseball than winning or losing, the unpredictability of the future is always interesting.

Waiting to see who follows "To blessed to be stressed", Albert Pujols and the Nightmare Child this offseason will absolutely be interesting.

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Why? Lots of people watch for the love of the game, and the fact that they have a team to follow through thick and thin regardless of the final outcome. There is more to baseball than winning or losing, the unpredictability of the future is always interesting.

It was more inclined to people that watch and still post the same threads about how the team sucks expecting a different result.

For me personally, I'm not wasting three plus hours watching any shitty product....sports, movies, etc.

But yeah, crack a beer and watch Blanton or Williams pitch if it tickles your fancy.

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Sad thing is that it probably will get worse before it gets better.

I don't feel like it could get much worse unless they sign garza and cano and both tank and Trout gets injured. 


I could see it staying the same for a year or two though. 


As long as they don't make any more short term moves to damage the long term of this franchise, then I think this year and maybe next year are the low points. 

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I don't feel like it could get much worse unless they sign garza and cano and both tank and Trout gets injured.

Thanks for the shout out, but I don't think any of my injuries will have any kind of effect whatsoever.

p.s. Kinda cool for you to put me and Trout on the same level of importance.

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It's looking like Dipoto has some reasonable trade pieces this winter.  Green looks good, so I think Howie can be added to the list of Trumbo, Shuck, Cowgill, Bourjos, Calhoun, Conger, Ianetta.


I have a hard time thinking whom in the current bullpen is retained.  Frieiri, I think is kept.  DLR is kept.  Kohn?


Get busy Jerry, there is trash in aisle 6 to clean up.

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