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Former Pirates slugger and long-time big leaguer Dave Parker confirmed to Joe Starkey of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in February 2012. He had previously only disclosed the news to family and a few friends.

"There's no fear," said Parker. "I've had a great life. I always dreamt of playing baseball, and I played. I'm 62 years old and fortunate to make it to this point. I have some beautiful kids that I got to watch grow up and become adults. My fingerprints are on the baseball industry. I feel good about that. I have nothing to feel bad about."

Parkinson's is a progressive neurological disorder with no cure that affects 2 to 4 percent of people over the age of 60. It has not progressed rapidly for Parker, who has tremors in his right hand and sounds sluggish while speaking, according to Starkey. His older sister has a more advanced case of the disease.

To date, Parker has declined to take medication because he is concerned it would worsen his symptoms. He's hoping for what he calls "natural remedies."

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