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WAR is Nonsense

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Anyone who can't appreciate WAR doesn't truly understand the Game.

Agree Brian. It isn't the end all stat but it is useful.

This "reporter", used loosely, makes no real point in his piece except a replacement level player is mythical. He just isn't smart enough to realize that to compare players we must have a point of reference. A truly ridiculous stat would be one that changes it's name each year, ie Wins Above Matt Downs or Wins Above Scott Cousins. So a composite is made and called replacement level. Here is a good article about it that totally refutes this drivel.


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I have to clue about what this stat means ... except than he must be a good/bad player. Chances are that I was already aware of this by following the game and looking at normal stats.




I didn't need to know Trout's WAR number to tell me he had a phemnomal season.

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What are you exactly comparing?

Read the FanGraphs article and you'll see exactly what a replacement player looks like and what every player is being compared to. To have a discussion we need a fixed point to compare them to to determine their value.

Troll, WAR is meant to be a comprehensive counting stat, which means it'll incorporate playing time, to help start an overall comparison between players. The other stats compare specific parts of a players game. WAR allows us a comprehensive look to compare across seasons and eras.

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WAR is bullsh*t. how can one players stats totally determine the won/loss of a team?

If you agree that the team who out scores the other wins than any amount of runs a player adds through offense or takes away through defense helps determine the wins/losses of a team. If you don't agree then yes it's bogus.

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Read the FanGraphs article and you'll see exactly what a replacement player looks like and what every player is being compared to. To have a discussion we need a fixed point to compare them to to determine their value.

Troll, WAR is meant to be a comprehensive counting stat, which means it'll incorporate playing time, to help start an overall comparison between players. The other stats compare specific parts of a players game. WAR allows us a comprehensive look to compare across seasons and eras.

The averages of 24 different players against every other Mlb player?

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