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Sam Blum: Angels radio broadcasts will once again call games remotely this season


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19 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

Sam stirring the pot like he loves to do. Honest question, do any of you care if the radio guys travel with the team when they're on the road? I'm guessing Langston and Smith love their new gig. 


Taylor and Trendon care. Probably a couple of others. 

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4 minutes ago, Stradling said:

Taylor and Trendon care. Probably a couple of others. 

I mean I don't hate on what others think about this, it's their opinion. I don't see how it's a problem. Most people that listen on the radio don't have the TV on as well and get pissy if the radio PBP doesn't match what's on the TV. It never did when they were calling games on the road via the radio broadcast. 

Anyhow, I stand by my take that Blum continues to create noise and assemble the Arte haters on Twitter. I also believe like you Strad that this isn't a big deal. 

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25 minutes ago, Taylor said:

He's not stirring the pot. He's reporting about something stupid the Angels do to save money that 28 other teams do not do.

Last season, there were plenty of people who noticed that the radio commentating often didn't match what was actually happening. I guess if you're just listening in the car you wouldn't know, but I think it's better if what we're hearing is accurate.

Terry Smith is pretty inaccurate when he is at the game. I think he lost his ability to see pitches long ago and just makes up calls. 

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11 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

I mean I don't hate on what others think about this, it's their opinion. I don't see how it's a problem. Most people that listen on the radio don't have the TV on as well and get pissy if the radio PBP doesn't match what's on the TV. It never did when they were calling games on the road via the radio broadcast. 

Anyhow, I stand by my take that Blum continues to create noise and assemble the Arte haters on Twitter. I also believe like you Strad that this isn't a big deal. 

It isn’t a big deal and we agree about Blum. 

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8 minutes ago, Blarg said:

Terry Smith is pretty inaccurate when he is at the game. I think he lost his ability to see pitches long ago and just makes up calls. 

Yea he’s pretty damn poor. Imagine hating our TV guys so much that you turn on the radio to have sound for the game only to find out that Terry is watching and announcing a completely different game. 

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I don’t know my immediate reaction is, I feel like they should travel with the team and broadcast from the ballpark the team is playing in. This way they’re more connected with the day to day activities of the team which keeps me as a fan more connected. 

But for me that’s also part of a bigger conversation regarding how they need to upgrade and invest in the media side of the business. Upgrade the radio play by play (like they’ve finally have done on the tv booth side with Wayne Randazzo, what an upgrade that guy has been already, big difference maker in my opinion). 



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16 minutes ago, HaloBronco said:

I don’t know my immediate reaction is, I feel like they should travel with the team and broadcast from the ballpark the team is playing in. This way they’re more connected with the day to day activities of the team which keeps me as a fan more connected. 

But for me that’s also part of a bigger conversation regarding how they need to upgrade and invest in the media side of the business. Upgrade the radio play by play (like they’ve finally have done on the tv booth side with Wayne Randazzo, what an upgrade that guy has been already, big difference maker in my opinion). 



I agree with the interaction part. 

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40 minutes ago, Stradling said:

Yea he’s pretty damn poor. Imagine hating our TV guys so much that you turn on the radio to have sound for the game only to find out that Terry is watching and announcing a completely different game. 

They knew how bad Terry is so they never promoted him past the radio booth, instead put O'Neal as the play by play last year, which may have been worse. At least they have shown some loyalty to Smith keeping him employed but he really needs to retire. 

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1 hour ago, Taylor said:

Last season, there were plenty of people who noticed that the radio commentating often didn't match what was actually happening. I guess if you're just listening in the car you wouldn't know, but I think it's better if what we're hearing is accurate.


if you've listened to Terry Smith call a game, you would know that there is nothing that can be done to make his commentary more accurate.


*pitcher throws a 71 MPH curveball down the middle*

Smith: "and that one misses for a ball"


Every pitch is "that one" and it irritates me to no end.

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If there wasn't such a game disconnect to what is going on in the field through the Televised feed the Angels could abandon the radio crew and just simulcast. But often the TV crew wanders off topic and expects viewers to fill in the missing pieces through visuals. Radio requires keeping the listener updated to the pitch count and where the fielders are aligned that often is ignored on the TV side.

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With TV, the issue with remote broadcasting is the delay. If you rush, you get inaccurate results. I see no significant benefit that broadcasting live provides, personally. Blum talks about the radio crew being more connected than other reporters, or there being other benefits to being actually present, but I'm unconvinced those are meaningful enough benefits to carp over. Just feels like Blum is stirring the pot for clicks again, as per usual. It's his brand.

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3 minutes ago, beatlesrule said:

So 28 other teams send the radio guys to the game and the Angels are the ones that are correct for not doing the same thing? Bunch of homers. Oh and if Jeff Fletcher reported this, you guys wouldn't s*** all over him.


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3 minutes ago, beatlesrule said:

So 28 other teams send the radio guys to the game and the Angels are the ones that are correct for not doing the same thing? Bunch of homers. Oh and if Jeff Fletcher reported this, you guys wouldn't s*** all over him.

Fletch doesn't spend all his time ragging on Arte. If he wrote the article, I'd be more inclined to take it seriously. Blum lost his by making his whole spiel being anti-Arte. He has basically no credibility for me to take him seriously at this point. 

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24 minutes ago, Pancake Bear said:

Fletch doesn't spend all his time ragging on Arte. If he wrote the article, I'd be more inclined to take it seriously. Blum lost his by making his whole spiel being anti-Arte. He has basically no credibility for me to take him seriously at this point. 

Arte sucks balls. He deserves all the ragging he gets. I can't understand how fans still support him after the way he's run their favorite team. Especially after he says he's going to sell and then changes his mind. F him. 

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