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What's something you wish you didn't have to do anymore?


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On 11/14/2022 at 12:56 AM, Tank said:

paying taxes

I don't understand anyone who would ever want to increase taxes or who is against getting rid of a majority of them.

It's obvious to me the federal and state governments have absolutely no idea how to allocate the money they receive, and it blows my mind that anyone would want to give them more. If you're a person that feels like more money should go towards schools, healthcare, etc., you are more than welcome to donate any of your money to the state or federal government for that cause. Why should I or anyone else be forced to have my money taken away for causes I don't think are ran efficiently?

I would love for things to be ran by privatized by companies that know how to efficiently run a company and produce results. I would be more than happy to give to healthcare, schools, homeless issues, retirement contributions if I knew that they were actually making a difference. 

Do people really think the government knows how to spend my money better than I can? 

I am fine paying taxes for roads/infrastructure of the state/country and also the military for keeping us safe from foreign nations. But beyond that I want the goddamn government out of my pocket. 

Also hate this idea that people that make more money should pay more. Why? Does a person that makes $20 Million a year see ANY substantial benefit to paying more taxes when they drive around where they live? Do they need more services from the government than people who don't work at all? 

All these taxes we pay for don't solve any of the issues we bitch and moan about and it needs to stop. Quick mention is the homeless problem in California. Billions of dollars have been flushed down the toilet to "fix" the problem, but I've never seen more homeless people in California than I do now when I visit my family and friends every couple months. These dickwads don't know what they're doing, and I want less government getting in the way of us actually fixing the problems we have. 

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28 minutes ago, CaliAngel said:

I don't understand anyone who would ever want to increase taxes or who is against getting rid of a majority of them.

It's obvious to me the federal and state governments have absolutely no idea how to allocate the money they receive, and it blows my mind that anyone would want to give them more. If you're a person that feels like more money should go towards schools, healthcare, etc., you are more than welcome to donate any of your money to the state or federal government for that cause. Why should I or anyone else be forced to have my money taken away for causes I don't think are ran efficiently?

I would love for things to be ran by privatized by companies that know how to efficiently run a company and produce results. I would be more than happy to give to healthcare, schools, homeless issues, retirement contributions if I knew that they were actually making a difference. 

Do people really think the government knows how to spend my money better than I can? 

I am fine paying taxes for roads/infrastructure of the state/country and also the military for keeping us safe from foreign nations. But beyond that I want the goddamn government out of my pocket. 

Also hate this idea that people that make more money should pay more. Why? Does a person that makes $20 Million a year see ANY substantial benefit to paying more taxes when they drive around where they live? Do they need more services from the government than people who don't work at all? 

All these taxes we pay for don't solve any of the issues we bitch and moan about and it needs to stop. Quick mention is the homeless problem in California. Billions of dollars have been flushed down the toilet to "fix" the problem, but I've never seen more homeless people in California than I do now when I visit my family and friends every couple months. These dickwads don't know what they're doing, and I want less government getting in the way of us actually fixing the problems we have. 

You’re not in MENSA, are you?

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1 hour ago, CaliAngel said:

I don't understand anyone who would ever want to increase taxes or who is against getting rid of a majority of them.

It's obvious to me the federal and state governments have absolutely no idea how to allocate the money they receive, and it blows my mind that anyone would want to give them more. If you're a person that feels like more money should go towards schools, healthcare, etc., you are more than welcome to donate any of your money to the state or federal government for that cause. Why should I or anyone else be forced to have my money taken away for causes I don't think are ran efficiently?

I would love for things to be ran by privatized by companies that know how to efficiently run a company and produce results. I would be more than happy to give to healthcare, schools, homeless issues, retirement contributions if I knew that they were actually making a difference. 

Do people really think the government knows how to spend my money better than I can? 

I am fine paying taxes for roads/infrastructure of the state/country and also the military for keeping us safe from foreign nations. But beyond that I want the goddamn government out of my pocket. 

Also hate this idea that people that make more money should pay more. Why? Does a person that makes $20 Million a year see ANY substantial benefit to paying more taxes when they drive around where they live? Do they need more services from the government than people who don't work at all? 

All these taxes we pay for don't solve any of the issues we bitch and moan about and it needs to stop. Quick mention is the homeless problem in California. Billions of dollars have been flushed down the toilet to "fix" the problem, but I've never seen more homeless people in California than I do now when I visit my family and friends every couple months. These dickwads don't know what they're doing, and I want less government getting in the way of us actually fixing the problems we have. 

You just described the plot for RoboCop.

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