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Happy Easter! Gameday thread: Angels @ Rangers 04/17 Suzuki is back !

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7 minutes ago, Angels_Make_Me_Drink said:

I know its a lefty an all but if you're gonna sit Rendon, it sure would be nice to have Marsh or Walsh in the lineup. 

Maybe Joe is doing this "just to stir the group up, quite frankly."

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9 minutes ago, Dochalo said:

and not to be a dick, but these were the lineups I was imagining when I was bitching about our lack of depth during the entire off season.  

As negative as I was being in the offseason my position has always been that if we keep our main guys in the lineup all year and we get 550+ innings from the top four in the rotation we easily make the playoffs. Maybe this is how we keep Rendon in the lineup all year, but I'm not sure if 130 games from him is gona cut it.

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