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Jayson Stark: Mike Trout vs. Tom Brady, and the Angels’ ticking clock


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Like he said, "it's the nature of baseball."  A single player isn't going to have the same impact in baseball that a great player in the NBA or NFL can, IMO.

Without reading the article, I don't think it's a dis. Again, it says more about the nature of the game than it does about Trout himself.

In any case - I think this kind of attention is good.  Arte Moreno should feel the pressure to do what he can to put the best possible team around Trout.  I hope sports writers and baseball analysts every where continue to call this out.

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Unfortunately Chuck this story will continue until Trout and the Angels make it back to the playoffs and/or the World Series and in my opinion, it's completely unfair to not only compare Mike Trout to other baseball players, it's even more bullshit to compare Trout to another player outside of baseball.

Mike Trout is 1/9th (1/10th if we count the pitcher and DH) of the starting line up.  How can he be held accountable for an entire team?  It's wrong.

Team sports is a completely different narrative to, let's say golf, where the discussion may be "best player to never win a major."  I honestly think this kind of nonsense is starting to wear on Trout, and he kind of let that be known in his first press conference.  I'm hoping, like I do every year, that this year will end this crap.

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17 hours ago, Taylor said:

Those old Little Rascals movies are classic. They definitely wouldn't fly today.

Very offensive comment.  Saying “fly” instead of drive or walk is elitist and spews privilege.  Get off your private jet for two seconds and be inclusive.  Shame on you.

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4 hours ago, Dtwncbad said:

Very offensive comment.  Saying “fly” instead of drive or walk is elitist and spews privilege.  Get off your private jet for two seconds and be inclusive.  Shame on you.

This is true. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.

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