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It's just such a disaster. It all really boils down to the players who take things into their own hands (i.e. throwing at batters) getting suspended and the cheating players getting off scot-free. 

It's like a person robbing someone's home and the homeowner gets jail time for shooting the robber, while the robber gets off because "the pain of being shot" was punishment enough. 

Manfred can deep clean my balls, taint, and asshole with his tongue.

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Everything is ass backward.

Guilt has been established. No uncertainties. The problem is the nature of the punishment. 

So hypocritical. The steroid cheaters were identified, punished as individuals and had their stats and reputations forever qualified as compromised.

A big factor is that those  players were on different teams, and therefore weren't acting together  in a conspiratorial way for a common goal. Each player was focussed on enhancing their personal performance. 

This Astro stuff was very different.

It was a conspiracy by a large segment of the team to mutually benefit each player for a collective goal. Winning games as long as they were still competing. And it took them right to the championship.

MLB is afraid of actually dealing with the corruption by meting out just punishment to the actual participants. Minor organizational penalties and suspensions to management avoid the real issue.

Study how Judge Landis dealt with the Black Sox scandal. Also leading to a fake World Series winner.

The key players were given the ultimate punishments possible. Even though individuals had different degrees of participation.

Baseball immediately entered it"s 'Golden' Age' the next season with the Ruth phenomenon.

These days there are many more factors involved. Player unions, collective agreements, TV money and much more. But the integrity of the game is compromised and can't be easily glossed over.

The anger coming from other players is the tip of the iceberg.

This ought not to go away with the usual vague promises to do better in the future. A World Series has been forever tainted. 

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2 hours ago, tdawg87 said:

It's just such a disaster. It all really boils down to the players who take things into their own hands (i.e. throwing at batters) getting suspended and the cheating players getting off scot-free. 

It's like a person robbing someone's home and the homeowner gets jail time for shooting the robber, while the robber gets off because "the pain of being shot" was punishment enough. 

Manfred can deep clean my balls, taint, and asshole with his tongue.

I just threw up my dinner! 

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5 minutes ago, Vladdylonglegs said:

I get that Manfred assumed the players union would throw a big fit and get any and all punishments reversed. That’s what pretty much everyone thought would happen. But now that we know the union would have been on board with severe punishments it really blows that Manfred is such a pussy. 

Actually from everything I have heard on the radio this isn’t true.  Manfred went to the union and they told the players to only share what they did if they are offered immunity.  Manfred tried to do the investigation without immunity and it got him nowhere.  So yea, the players are all pissed off but the union would not have backed Manfred.  

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29 minutes ago, Vladdylonglegs said:

I get that Manfred assumed the players union would throw a big fit and get any and all punishments reversed. That’s what pretty much everyone thought would happen. But now that we know the union would have been on board with severe punishments it really blows that Manfred is such a pussy. 

I shared this in the thread about punishments but the short answer is @Stradlingright but here’s the quote from an article in the register to prove that. 

“Our early efforts were not particularly successful in terms of making progress with the investigation,” Manfred said. “My office then contacted the MLBPA to request player cooperation. We wanted players to submit to interviews. The MLBPA asked if we had a disciplinary intention. I think the response was, that we could not rule that out. The union indicated to us that that would be a problem.” 

The union told MLB, Manfred said, that the players would only cooperate if they received “blanket immunity.” MLB agreed, for lack of a better alternative.

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19 minutes ago, GregAlso said:

I shared this in the thread about punishments but the short answer is @Stradlingright but here’s the quote from an article in the register to prove that. 

“Our early efforts were not particularly successful in terms of making progress with the investigation,” Manfred said. “My office then contacted the MLBPA to request player cooperation. We wanted players to submit to interviews. The MLBPA asked if we had a disciplinary intention. I think the response was, that we could not rule that out. The union indicated to us that that would be a problem.” 

The union told MLB, Manfred said, that the players would only cooperate if they received “blanket immunity.” MLB agreed, for lack of a better alternative.

Yep the union and the owners are going to protect their own interest. Manfred was the middleman trying to satisfy both groups. His hands were tied. 

Have any of the bottom dwellers cried foul yet? 

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