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Titus Young


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Well, he can always write a book titled  "How to completely blow the opportunity to make millions playing a sport in 4 simple steps".  What a complete idiot.  After being released by Detroit last season, the Rams picked him up but quickly cut him also.  He has got to be a complete waste of proteins and amino acids (amongst other things).

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He has to have serious mental issues. The guy is gifted, but mistakes like this will ruin your career. I bet he takes a year or two off and gets "better" and someone gives him a chance. Probably the Patriots


I bet his NFL career is over. Stories like this usually end up with the dude continuing to get arrested/doing stupid shit


He's like the NFL version of Elijah Dukes

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Lol this guy is incredible. I didn't think he could get any dumber after he said he is a better WR than Calvin Johnson


I'd say that the guy needs some serious help because he's destroying his life but....you can't fix stupid.



I forgot about that "better than Calvin Johnson" quote.  So, so stupid.  This guy sabotaged the Lions offense last year by purposely lining up in the wrong formation on multiple plays.  I don't think I've seen a complete meltdown by a football player (not named Rae Carruth) on and off the field like this since Lawrence Phillips.

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I bet his NFL career is over. Stories like this usually end up with the dude continuing to get arrested/doing stupid shit


He's like the NFL version of Elijah Dukes


Agreed.  This isn't some guy who had some good years then let his ego get the better of him while getting into trouble.  Guy had a decent rookie year and started to show his true colors before he made it through 2 seasons.  Get a camera on him for some great reality TV before he ends up in prison. 

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