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MLB Ballpark Food Safety Ratings: Angels 23rd, Dodgers 25th

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Total violations: 59 | Critical violations: 12  
Ballpark Food Safety Rating: 2.54 | Entities inspected: 28

Angel Stadium had a low number of stands inspected this season, but there were a wide range of issues across the ballpark, including hot items held nearly 40 degrees below required temperature and food residue in an ice machine. Food was observed being stored on the floor. The Diamond Club Kitchen was home to the highest concentration of health problems, with 12 total violations found during an April inspection. The stadium had two separate violations for dead cockroaches or other insects observed on the floor."



Total violations: 247 | Critical violations: 60  
Ballpark Food Safety Rating: 3.23 | Entities inspected: 95

Almost 250 total violations were tallied at Dodger Stadium, nearly one-fourth of which were critical. The LA County health department doesn’t list inspector observations, instead noting only the general health code violated. The most common violations dealt with food holding temperatures, equipment in ill repair and unclean nonfood contact surfaces. There were also a handful of stands in the website’s database that showed total violations, but didn’t offer a breakdown of critical vs. non-critical. These were included in the tally, so it is possible our rankings are missing some critical violations. To see if this inspection was an outlier, we analyzed all reports from 2016. The stadium fared better—153 total, 33 critical—but would have remained in the bottom-third of the league."

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25 minutes ago, yk9001 said:

Is anybody else like me in that these just don't give me much pause for concern?

I guess I should be more upset, I am just not.

I'm 52.  I can't ever remember getting sick from a restaurant.

Guess you're lucky! :)  I've gotten sick from eating at a restaurant/food station probably close to 10 times in my adult life. 

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The only time I remember being pretty sure I got sick from a restaurant was Tommy's about 20 years ago.  

As someone that has been through, oh I don't know, 40 health department inspections, for the most part they do a good job.  If you have a good reputation they basically do it because they have to.  If they are newer then they are out to prove something.  If they don't like your food, they are generally tougher on you.  If they love your food they basically have you fix things while they are there and it never shows up on a report.  I had one store that got a B, about 6 years ago.  When I say this was the cleanest store I have ever had, it would not be an exaggeration.   The B resulted in a dirty knife (that was about to be washed) that was next to the dish wash sink, a wet floor cone that was temporarily placed in front of a hand wash sink, thus discouraging associates from washing their hands (in their eyes).  Ignoring the fact that the floor was wet and they put that there to warn associates.  The final violation that caused a B, was they took an insert of tomatoes from down below, in our reach in, and set it on top of the salad table (what we call the area we dress and wrap the burgers), before placing it in the hole left by the empty insert.  The insert was washed, rinsed and sanitized prior to putting sliced tomatoes in it.  But since the shelf it was sitting on was washed that morning, they said it came from an unsanitary area, thus the insert was no longer sanitary.  Both the knife and the placement of the wet floor signs were critical violations.  So take it all with a giant grain of salt.  

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51 minutes ago, yk9001 said:

Is anybody else like me in that these just don't give me much pause for concern?

I guess I should be more upset, I am just not.

I'm 52.  I can't ever remember getting sick from a restaurant.

KFC salmonella....best weight loss diet to date.

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9 minutes ago, aznhockeyguy said:

Hey the Angels are better at something than the Dodgers!  New motto: We might suck on the field but you won't get as sick from the food!  Come to Angel stadium!

So our off-the-field product is better than their off-the-field product and their on-the-field product is better than our on-the-field product?

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4 hours ago, eligrba said:

Strange coincidence that the team and the stadium food has the potential to make you sick for the same reasons.

The Dodgers have it all figured out, they just go for the parking lot kill.  It's quick and easy.

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