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1. When was the last time he got thrown out of a game? Because maybe if he did that a little more the team would rally around it.

2. Why does he agree with everything an umpire tells him? He just walked away from the field once they made the call a second time. Why doesn't he argue a little more?

3. We are losing to the Astros.

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Ya, I mean not that it changes the call or anything, but I certainly would have been okay with a stronger disagreement with a call that looked pretty bad.

yeah I'm not asking for him to get thrown out of every game but a little auguring.
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Scoscia should have been fired 6 seasons ago. The fact he is the longest tenured coach doesn't make him immune to being fired because he is the longest tenured coach by mistake. Because the Angels did not get rid of him 6 seasons ago is now why they are holding onto him? He is worthless. It is time to give it up and move on from this losing idiot. Let it go fellas. It is time.

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Scoscia should have been fired 6 seasons ago. The fact he is the longest tenured coach doesn't make him immune to being fired because he is the longest tenured coach by mistake. Because the Angels did not get rid of him 6 seasons ago is now why they are holding onto him? He is worthless. It is time to give it up and move on from this losing idiot. Let it go fellas. It is time.

Do you ever have anything positive to say? All this pessimism and negativity is annoying.

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I have no issue with Scioscia professional respect with umpires. Going bat shiz crazy isn't the answer.

It has nothing to do with professionalism, he hounds umpires about strikes and balls, he just is too indolent to get up and make real arguments when they are warranted. Professionals don't whine and glare at the umpire from the dugout. Simply put, he no longer possesses the will or energy to confront anything.

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Do you ever have anything positive to say? All this pessimism and negativity is annoying.


Uh yes, I said Mark Trumbo could very well be the greatest Angel power hitter who has ever lived and Mike Trout is the best young player in the game. I also am very pleased with the trade for Jason Vargas. I am floored that we have a team with the greatest Angel power hitter who has ever lived, the best young player in the game, a great aquisition in Vargas, the greatest first baseman in baseball history, a perrenial 40+ hr hitter, and a year 2 year Cy Young candidate and the team is the WORST TEAM IN BASEBALL.

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Uh yes, I said Mark Trumbo could very well be the greatest Angel power hitter who has ever lived and Mike Trout is the best young player in the game. I also am very pleased with the trade for Jason Vargas. I am floored that we have a team with the greatest Angel power hitter who has ever lived, the best young player in the game, a great aquisition in Vargas, the greatest first baseman in baseball history, a perrenial 40+ hr hitter, and a year 2 year Cy Young candidate and the team is the WORST TEAM IN BASEBALL.

LOL. It sounds even worse when put this way.

I am soooooo excited for next season and the same old bullshit.

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Uh yes, I said Mark Trumbo could very well be the greatest Angel power hitter who has ever lived and Mike Trout is the best young player in the game. I also am very pleased with the trade for Jason Vargas. I am floored that we have a team with the greatest Angel power hitter who has ever lived, the best young player in the game, a great aquisition in Vargas, the greatest first baseman in baseball history, a perrenial 40+ hr hitter, and a year 2 year Cy Young candidate and the team is the WORST TEAM IN BASEBALL.

1. It's a little early to say that about Trumbo isn't it?

2. Pujols is hurt, I don't know how people are still expecting 40 homers from a guy with a ****ed up foot.

3. Weaver isn't even playing right now.

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It has nothing to do with professionalism, he hounds umpires about strikes and balls, he just is too indolent to get up and make real arguments when they are warranted. Professionals don't whine and glare at the umpire from the dugout. Simply put, he no longer possesses the will or energy to confront anything.

He went out and made Welkie consult with the 1 base umpire and both agreed incorrectly the Aybar was out. So what the **** more is he supposed to do? The argument is a dead in the water, it is not as though he can argue a missinterpretation of the rule. Aybar was ruled out and his appeal source upheld the call. He has to go back to the dugout, to stand his ground out there would be stupid as the call.
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Today's loss was all Congers. How is a manager supposed to inspire him out of committing errors?

Not that it was Scioscia's fault, but I thought Scioscia's catchers were some of the most well coached in the game. Or is that just a misconception?

At what point does the coaching staff take blame for the constant miscues ON the diamond? Never? If we have one of the best managers in the game, why do we continually botch routine plays, make mistakes on the base paths, and continually looked baffled at the plate?

Are our players just THAT bad? Sure doesn't seem like they are when they go to other teams.

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Today's loss was all Congers. How is a manager supposed to inspire him out of committing errors?


Conger didn't used to be this bad defensively.


Being a catcher and playing for Mike Scioscia has to be torture as he nitpicks everything you do.  Napoli made comments to that effect after he left the Angels.  For all we know Scioscia might have been "working with" Conger and whatever he said or did wasn't helpful. 

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