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Looks like Congressional fun with the seldom previously used Congressional Review Act (thanks Bill) continues unabated.

Up next on the chopping block

Congress could take its first step as soon as Wednesday toward gutting the tough privacy rules imposed on Internet providers like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon last year during the Obama administration.

In October, the Federal Communications Commission — then under former Democratic Chairman Tom Wheeler — began mandating that ISPs obtain consumers’ permission before turning over their private data to third parties, like advertisers.

Internet providers obviously loathed the rules, lambasting them as unfair and burdensome — and Republicans in Congress have heard their cries. To that end, the Senate could try to hammer the first nail in the coffin with a vote Wednesday evening on the measure, called a resolution of disapproval, that would overturn the FCC’s privacy order, according to two sources familiar with the plan.


Honey...I have no idea why keep receiving telemarketing calls about penile enlargment

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8 hours ago, red321 said:


Looks like Congressional fun with the seldom previously used Congressional Review Act (thanks Bill) continues unabated.

Up next on the chopping block

Congress could take its first step as soon as Wednesday toward gutting the tough privacy rules imposed on Internet providers like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon last year during the Obama administration.

In October, the Federal Communications Commission — then under former Democratic Chairman Tom Wheeler — began mandating that ISPs obtain consumers’ permission before turning over their private data to third parties, like advertisers.

Internet providers obviously loathed the rules, lambasting them as unfair and burdensome — and Republicans in Congress have heard their cries. To that end, the Senate could try to hammer the first nail in the coffin with a vote Wednesday evening on the measure, called a resolution of disapproval, that would overturn the FCC’s privacy order, according to two sources familiar with the plan.

i have long felt that any company i do business with needs my permission to share my info. that the FCC did this a year ago got way too little attention. that my party wants to do away with this now angers me to no end. 

i'd call my rep and senators but they're all dems who i assume are not going to vote in favor of turning this back.

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When was the last time that anyone here read the T&C on a site that explicitly says the advertiser may provide your information to business partners? It's extremely easy for advertisers to get your info, even legally, in ways that don't violate CAN-SPAM.

The cure for cancer could be hidden on page 2 of the iTunes T&C, and nobody would ever bother to read it.

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2 hours ago, RallyMo said:

Great argument. Really. The best. Yuuuugely good. People, he has the best arguments.

Coat that one in gold and put it on a pedestal.

It wasn't an argument, it was a statement that the law was and is, toothless.

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On 3/23/2017 at 8:01 PM, Tank said:

i'd call my rep and senators but they're all dems who i assume are not going to vote in favor of turning this back.

Senator Cortez Masto is a Democrat and will vote against it. Senator Heller has proven himself to be a reliable rubber stamp for Trump, so no point there either.

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That beachside property in the IE is looking like a good investment after all. 




President Trump on Tuesday took the most significant step yet in obliterating his predecessor’s environmental record, instructing federal regulators to rewrite key rules curbing U.S. carbon emissions.

The sweeping executive order — which the president signed with great fanfare in the Environmental Protection Agency’s Map Room — also seeks to lift a moratorium on federal coal leasing and remove the requirement that federal officials consider the impact of climate change when making decisions.

The order sends an unmistakable signal that just as President Barack Obama sought to weave climate considerations into every aspect of the federal government, Trump is hoping to rip that approach out by its roots. The president did not utter the words “climate change” once, instead emphasizing that the move would spur job creation in the fossil fuel industry.

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Congrats..congress just repealed an Obama administration regulation and gave internet companies the right to sell your data and internet usage history without your consent!



Here's some cool possibilities


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