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Newcomb ranked as #24 prospect in MLB's latest top 100 list

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I've never understood why recent draftees with hardly any at-bats go straight to the top-20 on these lists.

It's personal preference. Some lists chase upside and ignore production/age-level. Some focus predominantly on numbers and throw out the other two.

Example, MLB.com chases upside, so Victor Alcantara is one of our top 5 prospects because he can sit mid to upper 90's as a starter and has an amazing slider at the tender age of 22. Personally, I see a pitcher with little control, no command, that only pitches from the stretch and is still in A Ball. That screams reliever to me, and as a RP, I won't rank him as high as a starter or position player usually.

Having said that, as a reliever I bet he can sit high 90's or triple digits and that sort of thing is hard to ignore.

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These lists only promote future top of the order pitchers and all-star position players - which make up about 10 to 15% of a major league team.  The Matt Shoemakers, Nate Smith's and Chris Ellis' won't make these lists even though they are/could become important pitchers in the present/future Angels rotation.


Where is it officially posted that Newcomb is going to AA btw?  Nothing on Angels, Travelers or IE's websites.

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so by late 2016


our rotation will be Richards-Heaney-Newcomb with 2 spots being battled for by Weaver, Wilson, Santiago, Shoemaker, Skaggs, Tropeano (9 total starters)


and we'll be weak in LF, 2B, 3B, C, DH, mid bullpen


hope the new GM will be on the case  (not snoree Stoneman, AO tribute)

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You typiclly want to be 7 deep with your starters, which the Angels are, plus you have to look at it from a 3 year plan.  Meaning 3 years from now, what's your rotation look like and is it deep enough.  If you're pleased with both answers, then you can start looking at dealing away excess pitching.  So 3 years from now....


1. Richards 2. Newcomb 3. Heaney 4. Ellis 5. Tropeano


Weaver, Wilson, Santiago are all gone by then.


Depth is looking like Shoemaker, Nate Smith, Joe Gatto and Greyson Long.


So of those possible options, Shoemaker offers you continuity from now to then, and Gatto offers you upside.  That means the Angels could comfortably trade Nate Smith and possible Long for bats.  Those two alone aren't going to land the Angels much in the way of offense.  You'll either need to bite the bullet and trade Santiago now, or go to free agency. 

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Good sign, but he is the same age as Syndergaard.

he's almost a full year younger actually.  


Syndergaard made his debut at 22.256


Newcomb will make his next year at the end of his 22nd or beginning of his 23rd year.  


Better for the halos anyway.  more controlled time closer to his prime years.  

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  • 2 months later...

up to #19 now


I see that and I have to wonder sometimes how these prospect reports are culled and decided upon. If you go to just the Angels top 30 you have 5 pitchers as their top prospects, which isn't unusual because they drafted pitcher heavy in the past. But then at #6 is Baldoquin that has accomplished nothing in the minors followed by Ward that does look promising and then Kubitza that should be starting next season in some role. I get that some of this is based on age and potential but you would think one would have to earn the #6 spot by what they are really doing, not what they were expected to do.

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