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November CA election

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we have a race for governor going on in prep for the vote in november, now less than a month away.


to date, i have yet to see a billboard, bumper sticker, poster, sign, or tv ad for either candidate. i have no idea how to spell the last name of the R candidate, and jerry brown seems to be on auto drive heading into the stretch.


what in the world kind of strategy is this? how are you supposed to win if you don't get your name and beliefs out there against an incumbent?


this is a bizarre strategy.

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ABC had a story about it the other day.


Kashkari or however you spell his name had like a few million, in which he also used 2 million of his own money.  He used it mostly in the primaries or whatever that first election was.  He has like 400k left.


Brown had like a double digit million warchest.  Of which he only used less than a million in the first election.  


He still sees no need to use it.  


I'll probably vote for Kashkari just because I hate Browns train idea.

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In my opinion he's done a more than adequate job of reining in an overly liberal legislative branch. A more left-leaning governor would let them run wild while a conservative governor would make no attempt to work with them, only vetoing bills and forcing them to despise his interference and encouraging them to lean more left in spite of him.

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Well, let's see...


He made California a sanctuary state for illegal aliens by signing the Trust Act.  

He approved and signed legislation giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens.

He signed the California DREAM Act which gives financial aid to illegal aliens' seeking college education at our schools while also initiating, and campaigning and fundraising for Proposition 30 which raised taxes on all of us to put more money towards...education.

He has the endorsement of the CTA from whom he receives campaign contributions.

He has taken in $3 million in campaign donations (for just the 2014 election) from unions, even though he doesn't need the money, and advocates union wants and needs.  He clearly doesn't need the money, but he takes it anyways.  Why?

He has lied about being responsible for a California budget surplus because there is no budget surplus.  There is only a 'surplus' if you don't add the pension costs for CALPERS and the teachers' pension payments, which are owed billions of dollars by you and me.

California has the 6th highest unemployment rate of all the states, despite a wealth of businesses and natural resources, etc.

California ranks 39 out of the 50 states for K-12 education despite gobs of money being poured into our public schools.

Has done little, if anything, to stop businesses from leaving California.


That's a start.

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Does it matter who the Reps run?  i mean at best hes a sacrificial lamb in this bastion of a liberal dem sanctuary.
Brown has turned this state into a joke, a joke on all of us.  The priorities of his entire term in offoice have been nothing less than self serving partisan moonbeam bull.
You need not worry about how to spell the Reps name, he wont be reelvant long anough to make it worth the effort.

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Well, let's see...


He made California a sanctuary state for illegal aliens by signing the Trust Act.  

He approved and signed legislation giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens.

He signed the California DREAM Act which gives financial aid to illegal aliens' seeking college education at our schools while also initiating, and campaigning and fundraising for Proposition 30 which raised taxes on all of us to put more money towards...education.

He has the endorsement of the CTA from whom he receives campaign contributions.

He has taken in $3 million in campaign donations (for just the 2014 election) from unions, even though he doesn't need the money, and advocates union wants and needs.  He clearly doesn't need the money, but he takes it anyways.  Why?

He has lied about being responsible for a California budget surplus because there is no budget surplus.  There is only a 'surplus' if you don't add the pension costs for CALPERS and the teachers' pension payments, which are owed billions of dollars by you and me.

California has the 6th highest unemployment rate of all the states, despite a wealth of businesses and natural resources, etc.

California ranks 39 out of the 50 states for K-12 education despite gobs of money being poured into our public schools.

Has done little, if anything, to stop businesses from leaving California.


That's a start.


I agree with most of this.  Especially the last few points.  Companies are leaving CA by the hundreds and he has done nothing to help that.


Also, despite all of the money being pumped into education, they still spend far less per student than most of the country.  No idea where all the money goes.

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Flop, you realize that CA has had many republican Governors right?


Since 1983, A republican has been the governor for all but 8 years.


Interesting fact.  Gave me flashbacks to Deukmajian(sp?), Wilson and of course, The Terminator, who called himself Republican but hardly governed as one.  


I liked Duke, but Wilson (two terms, right?) was a bit of a limp fish.  

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I agree with most of this.  Especially the last few points.  Companies are leaving CA by the hundreds and he has done nothing to help that.


Also, despite all of the money being pumped into education, they still spend far less per student than most of the country.  No idea where all the money goes.


You could ask the CTA but they will not have a clue what you're talking about. (sarcasm)

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Interesting fact.  Gave me flashbacks to Deukmajian(sp?), Wilson and of course, The Terminator, who called himself Republican but hardly governed as one.  


I liked Duke, but Wilson (two terms, right?) was a bit of a limp fish.  


reagan was a two-term governor, also.

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DR, i had forgotten about the bill of goods they sold us on prop 30, and then a day or two after the election brownie revealed it was going to raise taxes and they knew it all along. thanks for reminding me/us.



once again, ladies and gents, i urge you to stop voting for incumbents for sacramento. our legislature really blows.

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Flop, you realize that CA has had many republican Governors right?


Since 1983, A republican has been the governor for all but 8 years.


Yes im very aware, and im also aware that time has passed.

Are we talking about history or now?

If we are talking about now, a Rep has about the same chance of getting elected governor in this state a a wildebeest.

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