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Hamilton first half: .295 .373 .449 .822


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I seen others allude to this, but something must not be right with him either emotionally, something on the homefront, or he's just disinterested in baseball altogether. Obviously, I don't know anything and I'm speculating here, but something's not right with the guy.  If you can find the guy that used to have a chip on his shoulder to prove everyone wrong, maybe we'll get that version of Josh back again.  But mentally/emotionally, it doesn't look like he's all there, and I really hope he finds himself over the offseason.

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I'm sure that's the plan.


I can't imagine it being otherwise. I am curious if some fans here are just blowing off steam or really believe that the Angels should DFA and eat the money. I'm simply adding some perspective so they don't have an anxiety attack.

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He said that given the same circumstances, he might dive into first base again. Even though it's proven to slow down the runner.


Rational thought like that just leaves you speechless.


He is who he is. I don't get the head first dive when the job is to hit and stay healthy either.

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Remember Hamilton's numbers during the first week of the season, before he broke his thumb? I wonder if things would have turned out differently if he had never slid head-first into 1B. It was only 8 or 9 games, but he was hitting like the Hamilton of old.

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Remember Hamilton's numbers during the first week of the season, before he broke his thumb? I wonder if things would have turned out differently if he had never slid head-first into 1B. It was only 8 or 9 games, but he was hitting like the Hamilton of old.

I just don't get his .250 / 21 / 79 last season when he was perfectly healthy. I can remember a couple of "clear his head" days and the sinus infections but nothing major. I think he looks pretty frail compared to his monster Texas days. I know nothing is guaranteed but his .285 / 43 / 128 resume from 2012 is was what sold Arte. That type of production has never showed up here.

He's hitting .246 lifetime in Anaheim.

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My concern is what happened to his power? Dude doesn't drive the ball like he used to and has no opposite field power anymore


I don't have much of any hope for him but there's probably no way he isn't on the team next year. They have so much invested in him and they'll chalk up this bad season to injury and let him have anotehr crack


With his approach at the plate though, I think he'll be lucky to hit over .260. Just way too much swing and miss in his game and he swings at everything

Edited by bloodbrother
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I can't imagine it being otherwise. I am curious if some fans here are just blowing off steam or really believe that the Angels should DFA and eat the money. I'm simply adding some perspective so they don't have an anxiety attack.


You're likely right and it's people just blowing off steam...  It seems unrealistic to think they will simply DFA him, that's a lot of money per year to just swallow. 


Personally, I think whether or not they want to admit publicly admit it they would love to move him, he doesn't seem to fit/mesh with the other players.  He's much more high maintenance that they probably assumed he would be and definitely not worth the trouble given his current level of production.  It's also possible he's just not happy in Anaheim regardless of whether or not the team is winning or losing.  I'm not one to try a gauge a guy based on how he seems to be acting but I can see where people are reading his body language a certain way -- not saying people are right, but he does seem detached in comparison to the rest of the team.


It's only a pic and it may have just been one of those weird timing things but that shot of him sitting on the bench when the rest of the team was perched on the railing was a bit of a downer.


Personally, I hope he get's his head right this winter.

Edited by Inside Pitch
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The free swinging approach and pitch recognition is bad, but his attitude is the worst.


Guy just doesn't care because he's got his money. Atleast that's how it comes off with how he performs.


Maintaining presense in the lineup by not getting injured, performing at Major League superstar standards, and winning a ring aren't his concerns.

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The free swinging approach and pitch recognition is bad, but his attitude is the worst.


Guy just doesn't care because he's got his money. Atleast that's how it comes off with how he performs.


Maintaining presense in the lineup by not getting injured, performing at Major League superstar standards, and winning a ring aren't his concerns.


Same gripe by Rangers fans. They boo'd him. This was obviously before his current $125mm contract.

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The free swinging approach and pitch recognition is bad, but his attitude is the worst.


Guy just doesn't care because he's got his money. Atleast that's how it comes off with how he performs.


Maintaining presense in the lineup by not getting injured, performing at Major League superstar standards, and winning a ring aren't his concerns.


I don't even really think about his salary vs. performance anymore.  Trying to make sense out of salary levels and player performance is a fruitless exercise until the league changes the structure of control over younger players, and free agency escalated salary levels.


I also really don't care what the Angels spend each year, just get the best 40 players for the money they want to spend, and let them play.  Once they are here and locked into contracts all we can do is hope for the best performance they can provide.  Continuing to bang our heads against the wall over whether they are worth their salary each year is a waste of time.  On set contracts with limited no trade clauses, we are locked in and usually can't move them anyway.

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