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Jered MF'ing Weaver!

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Hands down, no question, Jered is my favorite player on the Angels.


Yeah there is A LOT of talent on our team. Yeah some people refuse to call him an ace. But the guy has passion and he f**king wants to win every single chance he gets. It all starts with the guy that's throwing the pitch. If you're going to hand the ball to anyone, IMHO Jered deserves to be first in line of any other pitcher in the league.


Go #36


Not even worried.

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I remember in August one his starts my gf and I were watching the game and it panned out to Weave sitting in the dugout looking mad as hell. Mind you he was winning and I don't think he'd given up a run but she goes "why is that guy so mad?" I was like Oh That's Weaver. To us fans he's a true competitor, never satisfied. And never in a good mood when he's on the mound.

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