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American exceptionalism!


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Obama:  Why are we bombing ISIS, a group of militants halfway across the globe? "Because that is how we roll"


FS79, Bakunin, Jay in ISIS thread: Why are we bombing ISIS, a group of Muslim militants halfway across the globe?  "Because, Jesus"


I'll give you bak, kind of.  But you jump to some conclusion about the others is cloaked in your own bias.  They see Islam as a threat, not because of Christianity, but just because of Islam.  I don't so much, but I doubt it is just Christians who may have that fear.  Regardless, again you and a couple of others bring this topic up way more than any Christians on this forum.

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Nothing more xenophobic than seeing another religion as a threat.


Hitler saw Jews as a threat.  That went well.


Ha!  Dude you have said numerous times you see religion as a threat.  Oh, and Hitler never claimed to be Christian.  Don't go the big killer rout because the biggest killers in history have been atheists.

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I see religion as a threat to humankind.  I never used it as a reason to assault another country or region.


Don't give me the biggest killers atheist shit again.  More blood has been spilled in the name of "god" than anything else, and it isn't even close.

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I see religion as a threat to humankind.  I never used it as a reason to assault another country or region.


Don't give me the biggest killers atheist shit again.  More blood has been spilled in the name of "god" than anything else, and it isn't even close.

hmmmm, you said this:  Nothing more xenophobic than seeing another religion as a threat.

Nothing really about assault.


Add up Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot and see what you get.

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And they were killing people as power grabs, not as anti religion atheists.


Ghengis Khan is a good example of the converse, MT.  He was very spiritual and championed religious tolerance while killing 40 million people.  Just like Mao, Pot and Stalin, those killings weren't about religion either.  They were about greed and power.

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And they were killing people as power grabs, not as anti religion atheists.


Ghengis Khan is a good example of the converse, MT.  He was very spiritual and championed religious tolerance while killing 40 million people.  Just like Mao, Pot and Stalin, those killings weren't about religion either.  They were about greed and power.


You could say the same thing about many of the so called religious wars.  Greed was the true culprit in most of them.  Regardless, nobody's hands are clean.

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